My sister has protein c defect?

and had to find a test done because she requirements a baby. she said the consultant told her that most peoples blood results are at an average for this question paper 100 but hers was individual 45, which meant the result be'nt bad, but she would hold to have anti coagulants for the finishing three months of pregnancy and for six weeks after. does anyone know what test she be talking going on for or what the results mean because she wanst remarkably clear! thanks

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A decrease protein C activity stratum is required to make the laboratory diagnosis of protein C lesser amount. Normal functional protein C levels inventory from approximately 60-130% of the level of pooled plasma from 20 nonpregnant nonclotting individuals who are not taking medication known to affect the protein C height (ie, warfarin). Your sister had a stratum of 45% of normal functional protein C and this is how they hold made the diagnosis.

If you have protein C defect you are more likely to develop a DVT, specially whilst you are pregnant. This is why she has to be on anticoagulants for the conclusion of her pregnancy.

Protein C deficiency can be aquired but it can also be adjectives genetically. You may also have this problem, so it would be worth seeing a doctor more or less it.

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i would tell her too walk back to her dr

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