Why does one once in a while see Japanese (or other oriental) twins?

Caucasian twins aren't super-duper rare. My conservatory in the UK to be sure had more than one set.

I stay within Japan, and even Japanese people voice that Japanese twins are incredibly rare.

So what give? Are there any conditions that label giving birth to twins more likely?

PS. I'm conversation about innate, biological twins. None of that IVF stuff.

I don't know what to do?

cos japanese are asian and asian are petite and thus, it means...the 'burrow' is narrow which mechanism 'one thing at a time'...

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I in actuality know a Japanese twin! two girls, Etsuko and Atsuko. Wow. I feel so special very soon. No idea as to what the answer to your query is though.

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I never know that, honestly , i just thought it be because they all look like that we never noticed twins. An interesting one to research, wow yahoo is so interesting.

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There everywhere. (Just getting my two points)

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part of this might be due to the certainty that in at lowest i believe china and maybe other countries the number of children is predetermined not like surrounded by other countries where some family are have 3 or 4+ children outside of that don't own a clue

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As a father of non-identical twins I enjoy done some research on the subject.
The only item I can suggest is that older mothers are more feasible to have twins.
perchance Japanese women have within children young and so skewing the average

Feel tired adjectives the time?

Since twins are common within other countries throughout the world, but not in Japan, could the root of this problem turn back to when those two Japanese cities be bombed with nuclear ordnance during WWII?

Perhaps the high level of radiation released from the atomic bomb explosions has a great deal to do with the reproduction
rate contained by Japanese women, even today!

Or could it be caused by the generous amounts of low-radiation being released into Tokyo Bay from the nuclear reactor here? Perhaps this low radiation has artificial the fish populations, that the Japanese People depend upon for food.

My answer may sound silly or stupid to some, but if to be exact the case, consequently please tell me what other country is experiencing like type of birth problems for twins?

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