Worried about prom darkness...? Girly problem!?

OK...here goes...
My prom is on the 6th of July and I'm really worried I might be on (periods). The entity is though...last month it be the 26th and this month it was 17th which is really irregular. I really don't want to be on for the 6th. Past months though I have be bang on date so I don't know what's going on! I can't appear to stop worrying about it... If it comes during prom I would die! Thanks everyone in finance! :)

I'm getting tired of this Question anyone else?

Wear a pantyliner, which are very contracted and won't show even if you have a tight dress. I use the Kotex Lightdays brand myself, and they hold up pretty well, even if you bleed a fully clad amount. Keep some pads or tampons (whichever you prefer) surrounded by your purse or in a place where on earth you can get to them, and bring some Tylenol or Midol as powerfully in travel case you get cramps! I'm sure that if you start during the prom you will touch it in time to carry to a bathroom, so don't worry almost staining your dress or anything like that. With single 4 weeks every month, I'm sure lots of girls are on their period at the prom. Please don't verbs about something that hasn't happen yet and stress yourself out! The prom is a special darkness and you should be having fun and getting excited! Just be prepared, and hold a great time!!

PS- Do not follow other people's proposal and wear a tampon if you are not on your period!! This can organize to toxic shock syndrome (you can read about it within the inserts in every tampon box!). Do not do this! It is not safe and can possibly head to death!

Breast Augmentation? Please single people who own had it done.?

Dont verbs about something that hasnt happen...

>>>>>>>>>>>>HELP LADIEs!!<<<<<<<<<<<

just wear a panty liner and keep some pads/tampons surrounded by your purse. it probably WONT happen, but nil is worse than staining your prom dress!

Have fun at the prom!

Tampons..and water.?

well why dont you only be sure to bring tampons with you and if you do go and get banged on your date what ever in recent times be sure to make sure he wear a condom

Is there any one who have been through an aboortion?

Who care? Where a pad or a pearl or doesn`t matter what. It's not like you're going nude (right?) or planning to procure laid.

Symptoms of allergy to copper IUD?

just relax.it probley wont happen.but save some tampons/pads in your purse merely in suitcase.

Name of ' chemical ' or hormone that causes a woman to own such moody p.m.s. ?

don't worry, you'll survive, purely stock up on tampos and it'll be fine. you probably won't be the only one any

Is it bad to suntan in a tanning bed while your on your time?

You can never tell when your time of year is gonna hit especially that you're on the irregular cycle. Just bring some tampons or a pad and in recent times pray you get it after your prom! Good luck on prom darkness!

Is it dangerous to not hold your period regularly?

just bring extra tampons and realy dont verbs about it!! im sure everything will be ok and your not planning on have sex.

How to stay tight, truth behind Sex and the City?

Wear a tampon?
Or of late wear a Tampax even if your not on, then you can be locked all evening and not verbs! You could even use the night ones which are extra long, they can ultimate up to 10 hours!

How do you know. (please read my other 2 questions hold been delete but this is an honest question)?

There is nothing you can do to tuning when you will get your spell so you are just going to hold to make sure you are prepared and carry used to it. Every woman ends up with times contained by her life when she get her period and and she really doesn't want it.

I be just wondering?

If it does try your best to work normal... I desire you the best of luck!

Is something wrong with me if my time only last 1-2 days?

bring some tampons with and wear a panty liner, but definetly do not use a tampon if your not on. That is route bad. If you want to regulate your period, speak to your doctor about going on the birth control pill, afterwards you'll always know when ur due. hope u hold a fun night anyway!

I hold ovarian cyst .and it's causing problems surrounded by my sex life does anybody hold any solutions ?

Don't worry in the region of it. Just keep pads/tampons surrounded by your purse. And maybe wear a panty liner. You'll be fine.

Girls lend a hand?!! (boys would really know anything about this)?

worrying won't sustain..go to see your gp next to your mum and see if they can give you a tablet to stoppage your period

Hello. My ankles are intensely swollen and ache?

Try not to verbs about it, embezzle some sanitary products to the prom with you, and if the worst comes to the worst and you do come on, at lowest you're ready for it!

Hope you own a nice prom!

Have you ever started spotting or bleeding at the wrong time due to stress or anger or irritation?

There is a pill you can get from your doctor to hindrance a period, (I other take them if I'm due on holiday etc) You obligation to take them 3 times a daytime, 2 or 3 days before your time is due then verbs taking them until you want to get your time.
Sorry I can't remember what the pill is, but im sure your doctor will know.

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