Have you have your IUD removed?

When you had you IUD removed did it hurt And did you enjoy pain or bleeding after it be removed?
Also for how long did you have aching or bleeding after it was removed?


I believe somethings wrong with me..?

I have mine taken out the hard method. It punctured my uterus, so they had to do it surgically! Anything smaller number than that should be cake!

But to answer your question, a couple of friends said it's smaller number painful than insertion. Its a hasty pinch, a little cramping and that's it. They have their periods (both used Mirena) going on for 4 days after removal. There was deeply little discomfort following removal at all.

If you be brave enough to procure it put in, have it removed should be easy.

The drug and health information post by website user , womenanswers.org not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes solitary and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical conditions.

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