Every since i started to grow breasts it be always sore and it feel like nearby was this big huge orb inside?

And still up to this day it still feel sore and the ball have grown bigger.My problem is whenever i lay on my stomach it hurts. is it just because i may enjoy just like mad of brast tissue? well to be honest i come up with it may because when i started to grow breast i would squeeze them thinking it would grow bigger lol so maybe i.e. the reason for the extra brast tissue if thats the shield. however i am afraid now because the soreness is still within and it wont go away and it may mete out breast cancer in my adjectives i am only 19 and im very soon pregnant with my first child. i verbs that because i am pregnant it may trigger off the cancer of something so if anyone can relate or enjoy any sugestions i would apreciate the help thank you

How behind the times were you when you have the period settle?

Your boobs are sore because you are pregnant. Don't worry around breast cancer. Pushing on your breasts don't cause cancer. Get some rest. You're gonna entail it.

Removing hair from..down near?

It's probably swollen glands.

But go to your doctor. He/she will be capable of answer any questions and you'll quality better. Too much stress is bad for the pregnancy.

What cause a bleeding bottom?

May be the pregnancy making them hurt.

Why it happens that a guy feel sexual excitement though he has no love relation next to a girl?

its just growth tissue your fine. their of late growing i had like peas in a pod thing when i be younger and my aunt, whos a nurse looked at it and said its fine. nothing to verbs about.

and for the distress try some advil or something cause thats raw and unfortunately we enjoy to learn to concordat with it.

well brought-up luck=]

Wht r the symptoms of yeast infectiondoes it lead to uterus infection??

if ur boobs hurt its becuz ur pregnant...when u win pregnant u breast will hurt

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