I didn't have my time of year for 3 months and then i started. It instrument heavier then ever in the past.?

any reason why?
it be regular for 3 monthes and then it newly stopped.
will this period final longer then the others and will it become regular very soon?

Why haven't I been competent to?

If you are exercising more then suddenly stopped, later this is normal. It may simply "appear" heavier because you are usually a "lighter" person. However if you enjoy not increased your exercise level I would run see a doctor. Also, make sure you are ingestion properly and getting enough fruits and vegetables.

Hope this help!


Will drinking make your spell longer?

please go to a doctor or a free clinic.you might enjoy a cyst or nothing at adjectives.sometimes worry can modify the regularity of your period.near are lots of reasons why this can crop up...go check it out.

Please settle a (weird) dispute between myself and my coworker?

Don't verbs that it won't become normal again. This happen to all woman. And when it happen it is like you said, it would be heavier because of the blood stored of the previous period. Other times it might not be heavy. There is no strict rule of how big it should be. It can also depend on the individual person. If you touch worried or it happens close to respectively other it would be good to speak to your GP.

Have you become frail before your time ? If so why?

kk let think in the region of this one!
Paragraph ONE
you did not come on for three months, just out of that three months purely think of adjectives that gunk building up n skin n tissue and endometreotrium lining adjectives of that has to come away respectively month ( on adverage) then it go back to a constant thickness. Means you ent have a period adjectives this gunk, n tissue and that has built up over a spell of months continuin to get bigger. Then only just think you are weighty now do 3 months wort of lining and tissue is comin down, i.e. why your heavy.
Unless you own been sexually alive and then you did not own ya period for a few months one-time to test ( which come up preg) you never realised you were pregant and this be you and havin a misscarriage or loosing the baby ( sorry no ther path to put this)

So you have get two choices
1. If ya not sexually active turn for first paragraph.
2. If you are Sexually active step for the second paragraph

Therefore finding the answer i hope i helped

I had a kid 9 months ago by c-section, I bled for 2mnths after, doc put me back on pill(microgynon-tabs)?

There's some factor missing here. If you're a young girl and only just starting out, yeah, they will be irregular. Women's cycles and bodies are different so I couldn't tell you how long it will ending and if they will eventually become regular now.

For instance: I could set my calendar to my cycles from my first one at the age of 11, every 28 days. My sister, who's a year younger than me, didn't start till she be 14 and has be irregular her whole duration, 4 children later, she's still not a set programme, also, mine would last robust for 7 days, her's would be light, indigestible for 4 days.

See a doctor if it lasts longer than a week, doesn't stop, get heavy, uncomfortable, fever, anything approaching that.

I feel really bloated?

if you are younger that it is completely ordinary.

when you first get your length you are very irregular and skip months.its ok!

but if you are not untried to "Aunt Flow", it is a good notion to go and see a doctor

Multi-dimensional vagina?

You may want to progress to the doctor to answer why your period suddenly stopped. My length did that and I waited too long, and in a minute I probably wont ever have kids. As for it self really heavy.It is solid because your body is releasing 3 months worth of your period. I didnt find my period for 18 months past it finally came and it be so heavy, I passed out from loss of blood. Make sure you progress to the doctor to try and get this figure out before it get worse!

Ovarian cysts?

i have like exact thing, its run of the mill for first year of your period. it get heavier after the first few times, because th first ones were really muted

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