Period and panama...?

Ive had my time of year since february 2007.
It usually comes e verymonth. around 18- 36 days((longest))that happend 1 time,
well i have my last time of year onn june 14th.
i think im supposed to start tuesday?
i want to kno for sure it will come.
i own cheer camp.
on the 16-18 after im going to pananma omn the 19th thru 25.
I DONT WANT IT those weeks,
ive lost weight and become halthier recently.
Please help
im worried it wont come
please give me some counsel or something

** Farts?

Theoretically, your period should start 28 days from the day the closing one STARTED. That means it SHOULD start on the 12th. Since you haven't be having your spell for very long, it will purloin some time for it to regulate itself to where you are moderately regular (this is normal). Very few women have their period EXACTLY every 28 days, but most get pretty close by the time their body have gotten used to it and it's on a regular cycle.

P.S. There is nothing you can do, transport or eat that will affect when it comes (other than getting pregnant which is NOT an option).

Good luck.

How can i relax moree [ give a hand lol ]?

see a doc, they will better answer ur questions and can run test and examine u and prescribe somethin

good luck at military camp, go troop!

Whats wrong with me?

sry but theres nil that can bring it on quicker. i know it sucks, im supposed to be on mine while im at dance military camp! oh well, fitting luck though!

by the way: if you dont know already, tampons are so much better to excersice contained by. trust me, once you get used to them, you cant be aware of them and your not tumbling and stunting and cheering in a diaper!

Tell me whats going on with this guy? [Simple story!]?

It sounds resembling you have just just get it. all i can right to be heard is stuff like this comes easily and you cant really control them. If your really worried about it after see your doctor.

Would you be embarassed?

it would be very contaminated to try to force your young body past its sell-by date its natural course. according to my calendar if it follows a womans ordinary cycle you should have it and be over it by time for military camp. relax!

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