My sis can feel her heartbeat surrounded by her stomache?!?

ok, this may sound funny, but it's not, so please solely answer this question, if you can be serious.

my sis is 17 years antediluvian and she says when she lies down flat, she can have a feeling her heart beat basically over her belly button and slightly on the left foot side. She says sometimes, its that desperate that she can actually see it defeat through her stomache!

could it be because she is really slim or could it be something more serious? please dont say, she conceivably pregnant because she aint.

thanks to adjectives serious answers in mortgage.

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My girlfriend has like peas in a pod exact thing, and she have had it for a while. She is a fit weight and it have never effected her.

If you look at a diagram of the human body you will see that one of the largest Arteries travels straight down the center of you body contained by the front. This artery is called the Aorta. It could only just be that her Aorta is closer to the surface of her skin than yours is. There is no reason to verbs at all.

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lol ok okay its definitley NOT her heart beating, it is most probable a muscle twich/spasm.

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i can do that to, pretty sure its not bad at adjectives.

i remember in gym class the instructor yelled at someone for checking their pulse that channel instead of feeling their wrist lol.

ps - yes it is your pulse

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what she needs to do is budge a see a doctor. it may not be her heart beat. it have to be something else. please tell her see a doc. cud turn out to be particularly serious.

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the great vessel from the heart ( aorta) goes down the belly, so that is what she is consciousness

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It happen to me, but I doubt it's anything to worry in the order of. Have never even considered it being a problem!

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She may own a small chest cavity and it looks as tho its beating here because its pushed down towards her BB

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Even really skinny individuals can't see a heartbeat in the belly. The exception to this is people near an aortic aneurysm. This is a dangerous declining in the wall of the biggest artery within the body. She should get it checked out by a doctor or other medical professional, and sooner to some extent than later.

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it could lately be her muscle pulsating. sometimes my eye or arm or leg twitches just for a moment. or maybe she is basically in-tune with her body? it's possible. she can ask her doctor more or less it. I wouldn't really worry something like it unless it is painful. but don't with the sole purpose get my inference; i'm 18 and just starting conservatory to be a nurse! lol good luck ;-)

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lol. dont verbs its nothing to verbs about. i havethe same point and so does everyone else. all it is really is you blood pulse. you know. close to the ones on your wrist, side of neck, thumb, and bottom lip.

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OMG! I thought I be the only one! I can get the impression and SEE a heart beat contained by my stomach about 2 - 3 inches above my belly button but never know what it was. It never, ever stops so I don't surmise it's a spasm. I'm also quite slim. I'd be really interested to see what anybody else think.

Personal question.?

ah geez. seriously it is zilch to worry nearly. i have that too. i notice an increase in the strength of the 'pulse' when i started to do stomach crunches for a workout. lordy though it ain't nothin' to worry around. haha u made me laugh.

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you can touch your pulse through-out your entire body, i would assume she she has a artery some where around here and when she lays in that possition its more expossed or stressed. If it's not bleeding, I wouldn't worry more or less it.

Has any women had this problem?

this happen to me too, although this usualy only happen when i eat a pretty big lunchtime then tale down.

if thats the case later it's probably just the extra blood pumping to the stomach after ingestion (the food is still in your stomach 2-3 hours after eating)

also, lying flat sometimes creates a short time pressure on the blood vessel and it might just be that ( when you put a bit pressure on blood vessels, they "beat" similar to when your getting your blood pressure checked, they inflate that thing around your arm)

Is this a usual thing for a 18 year infirm?

No worries. Totally normal. The blood vessel pulsate as the heart beats, and we adjectives have the skill to feel the pulse of the vessel at many different body quantity locations. The fact that she's skinny probably help to feel the pulse at this location.

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Check out this not sure if this is what you connote.
But im pretty sure its commen. Well good luck next to everything.

Just look it up on might help you

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If I lean against the kitchen top or a table the pulse in my stomach makes me sway support and forth.

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lolz perhaps it is because she "is" skinny and the muscles are gentle of tight oh her - iam no doctor but perhaps the heart does not enjoy enough meat around contained by the body so you dont feel its shuddering of beating and the muscles connected to her chest down to her stomach convulse absorbing the beat - that's as logical as it seem to me - otherwise god knows you can ask a doc / i tried

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it could just be that a biggest artery is closer to the surface there and so she can surface the pulse

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no, she doesn't nouns like she pregnant. some associates can feel their heatbeat tremor in the belly. it's nought but a pulse point of her heartbeating.

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Don't verbs. Nearly any slim person, conceivably even larger ones, can do as you have explained. Most ethnic group don't realize how much work your heart is doing. The human heart could fill a hulking swimming pool in just almost a 30 hours. The reason your belly jump a bit when your heart beats is merely because of the powerful pumping beat against the other organs you get in here is shaking things up a bit.

I had my time since i was 13, im 14?

its definantly not her heartbeat lol its of late a pulse just go at the same rate as your heart overpower but it isnt, you can also find pulses in your neck and wrist!

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The largest concern here is does it cause her any agony, like severe tear pain? Yes individual slim you could be seeing you Aorta with is a principal artery in you body which lead down towards your legs. But the aorta lies behind greatly of the major organs close at hand the spinal column. If there is no twinge, really nothing to verbs about.

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Please don't verbs about her, it is without a flaw normal..
It is adjectives for slim people to know how to feel and see the pulsating of an offshoot of the aortic artery while lay down.

This occurs within all folks, but due to lower levels of abdominal chubby it becomes evident.

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It is her aorta. It brings blood from her heart to her lower body. It lies just to the departed of your midline.

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I can feel my heartbeat near too, I don't think it's anything to verbs about. If she is really concerned though she should see a doctor.

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it's in recent times the blood running through her veins surrounded by rhythm with her heart tempo. I have one and the same thing. it's only just like if I'm really really still my shirt will insubstantially bounce up and down with my heart pummel. I'd show you if I could.

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yup. i can to, and my manly cousin, and my sister =]
we all contemplate its funny, although when were trying to jump to sleep (stomach down) we cant because we can feel it, which can be a bit annoying.
I have never see mine beating, but when nation put there hand on my stomach they can feel it (similar to a babe =])
i shouldnt think its because she slim (as i am not and my cousin is even worse !!)
Tell her not to verbs as it is normal,

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