How do i tell my mom i entail to be on birth control with out maxim i am haveing sex ?


Is there really a path to tell if a girl have had sex until that time?

just convey her that you are having unsheduled period, they give u birth control to regulate them, Get your groove on!!

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say that you're have really heavy period and you want to be on it to lighten it up! it should work.

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Tell her your periods are not regular. But the pill will not protect you from STD's. Be wise.

Does anyone else get this?(girls)?

The ONLY idea to be on the pill is if you're having sex. And if you aren't married you shouldn't be have sex!

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If you have stout or irregular periods, own extremely painful cramps or acne you can use one or adjectives of those as excuses.

Having sex for the first time, scared of the affliction.?

Ok, I won't judge you for lying or anything, but I'm a short time ago telling you that trust is a exceptionally strong thing and go away it at that.

Lots of girls go on birth control to regulate their period. You could tell her that it's because of that. Good luck! :)

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She's your mom. Dont even try it. Go to a family planning clinic. It's free and she will never know.

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tell your mom the truth. you owe it to her because she is your mother and have sacrificed and toiled so that you could enjoy a good enthusiasm. don't be a typical teenager and accomplishment like you can purely dis your mom. that's not cool.

some day you will be a mom and will pray that your daughter tell you about earth-shattering decisions similar to sex.

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say you have valid bad cramps. Or irregular period. say that you read online, or intellectual from a friend that birth control can ease period.
or just jump by yourself, or have someone drop you rotten at the place and she doesn't have to know

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One could be you want to regulate your time of year. The other reason may be because of superior skin tone.

I got on BC because I have acne. It balanced my hormones and my acne cleared up. That be in my impulsive teens. I didn't start having sex until years after I begin using BC

I'm 26 now and no longer on birth control because I don't close to the side effects.

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Be honest with your Mom bargain to her about birth control and ask her if she could hold you to the doctor. I am sure she would rather enjoy you on the pill then for you to become a mother so young at heart Good luck

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go to your health department. you don't call for your parents permission to budge, and it is confidential. i just hope you watch out, and are making the right choice. it is your body... don't let someone else notify you what you should do with it.
birth control is no prank... you have to remember to filch your pills on time, respectively day... you could find the depo prevera shot... they all craft you gain weight... and you obtain vicious mood swings... i personally do not similar to them... i used depo for about 3 years, and gain a total of like 40 pounds. best of luck contained by your decision... and i hope you hold thought long and hard something like it...

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tell her ur period are very stinging and also that u want to know excactly when u will get them so u own more control over them and you want them to be lighter. i got my period every 7 weeks so i never really knew when i would receive mine

Birth Control Question.?

It's none of your mothers business whether or not you are having sex. It's just your business and your doctors business. Who ever told you to tell your mom be either an overprotective snooping mother themself or a short time ago plain silly!

You can tell your mother that you want to budge on birth control to use it to regulate your periods or because you want to use it for menstrual suppression. You know, similar to only have a few periods a year or scheduling your period for when you want. Many women use 'the pill' for this reason alone.

You could also complain almost PMS or heavy period. The pill often make periods lighter and reduce PMS symptoms.

If you have acne, you could use 'the pill' for that.

You could also only just go to a clinic and go and get it without your mom's go-ahead or knowledge.

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you havent said how outmoded you are.
my youngest went on the pill to regulate her uncomfortable periods.the elder one never mentioned it, i just assumed she be when she had a regular boyfriend. Mums are not as daft as you give attention to, she probably hopes you are, but doesnt like to ask.
if you are 16or so share your mum, if you think she wont hit the roof, if you are 18 she doesnt entail to know but it would be nice if you told her. im very close to my girls but still suppose they need some privacy and would share me these things if they felt the involve to, i wouldnt dream of asking unless . they are now 30+ and still come to me beside their problems. good luck

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i would go beside the first answer .

Birth control and period problems?

Firstly, I'm really glad you're taking the responsible step of using birth control, BUT...

Why not newly use condoms? At least try them for a while until that time you take the step of going on birth control - in my experience the pill can enjoy a few adverse side effects, and you're not protected from STDs.
If your boyfriend refuses to use condoms or think that "birth control is the woman's responsibility", he needs some serious reeducation.
Anyone can buy condoms so you wouldn't hold to outwardly lie to your mum.

Anyway if you grain you have to tale, don't use the "irregular periods" excuse; your mum can often relate when you're on your period and can see through the tale. Complain of heavy period and menstrual cramps, which are a highly personal point and are valid excuses for going on the pill - but beware; the types of pill prescribed for things like irregular or sweet periods or cramps are regularly very expensive, moreso than the regular contraceptive pill.

Good luck!

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oyyyy basically tell her that u want to regulate your extent, but im telliing u that once you tell her that, i think that wide deep open deep down she will know- i'll make a contribution u a bit of advice- even though your on the pill u should still use a condom- and try to inform yourself more about sex not from your little big school friends who ( know offence) will lately tell u myths- newly read it up more about sex online and stuff- your singular 16 and sex at your age (or any age) is a HUGE responsibility- u have to verbs about STDs, and the right birth control, and afterwards because your 16 and u dont really wanna get caught beside your bf u have to find a place to do it lol- i dunno what else to let somebody know u, just generate sure that your ready and that your not pressured into it- im 18 so i know a lil almost being pressured into doing stuff- i am not aphorism that you are being pressured- newly make your descions perceptively! good luck!

Help please?

Tell her your period are getting really heavy and your for a while worred, and say can you give somebody a lift me to the doctors, when your there say-so your periods are really substantial and it's very uncomfortable the doctor should give you two choices any a large amount of pills or one small one the pill lol, it works!


Just remember one point. MOMS ARE NO DUMMIES.

Very long & heavy time of year im scared?

Tell her that you want it because your extent annoys you. Many women take birth control because it stops your length. If all else fail, use condoms.

Good luck!

No period since tubal after four boys in four years?

Tell her that you suppose you should go on the pill because of unbarable cramps (I have this and went to the doctor and he said if some unquestionable tablets didn't work I would have to be in motion on the pill) so it must be a good excuse.

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