Heart Flutters?

I'm 18, female. For a while immediately, I occasionally get a flutter contained by my heart, enough to where on earth it bothers me to stop what i'm doing. Then my heart feels majority again. Also, sometimes it will just be aware of like it hurts...and I know what heartburn feel like and it isn't that. Not much heart problems contained by my family. Any concept before I spend money at the doctor?

Please minister to. I need suggestion, I am sick of doctors. This is serious.?

i dont know mate, i get those too sometimes. i hold heard that when ur heart starts thumpin close to that that u should cough. that makes the heart muscle contract and may loosen those flutters.. except that,, maybe webmd.com or sometin close to that.. maybe jump to a doctors office and merely start askin questions. it could be somethin material simple. good luck !

Why are you not supposed to hold on to condoms in your wallet?

the best suggestion is that you jump to a doctor's clinic.
only a doc. can distribute you a gd suggestion.

go to a doc. as soon as possible, dont rob it lightly

bye bye... and take contemplation

Girl question?

seems similar to ur suffering from weak heart. pretty much approaching i do. i've been taking supplements for thin heart and i have since recuperate. u can find the supplements in pharmacies. get th eones near cod oil surrounded by the ingredients. cod oil's supposed to be dutiful for the heart.

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