I need give support to please!!?

I'm 15 years old, and I am babysitting tomorrow hours of darkness for a family near three kids. A boy who is 11, and two girls that are 6 and 5. Could anyone give me some tips as to what to do beside them? Also, should I charge per kid? I usually work for $5 and hour with one child. Any philosophy or tips? I would appreciate it.
They are very honourable kids as far as I know. My mom had the two girls as students, and my sister be in class next to the boy.
For those of you who say I am not of age, it is not an actual brief. And where I live, anyone 14 and over can be alone at home near a child. Also, if you are going to give me an answer to a examine I didn't even ask, don't bother even answering at all. Another detail! Haha. Okay so I'm not as concerned beside the money because I don't really need it. Not to nouns cocky, but I'm only doing this to facilitate thes people out. Their father is really sick, but they insist on paying me. So, to rephrase my cross-question, how much do I ask them to pay me lacking being too acerbic?

How can i get a bum heave without have a surgery?

Since you usually charge $5/hr for one child, you could charge anywhere from $7 to $10/hr. If you go low on that, put in the picture them you're giving them a special discount.

Ask them if they like playing games, resembling card games (go fish, uno, etc.) or board games or other games. Some families train their children to enjoy games; others don't.

In summer, drawing is always fun. I used to mix kid's powder paints near soap gunk I created by soaking my leftover soap slivers within hot water. This prevents stains setting in the clothing. I also get pieces of press-board which is compressed wood and water doesn't occupy into it. I let them finger paint on those so they could rework the painting as normally as they wanted. If it started to dry, we in recent times dribbled a little bit of sea on it. When they got a sculpture design they specially liked, I have a roll of butcher paper or newsprint I'd gotten from the the Fourth Estate for free. I'd cut a piece of paper for them to press down on the favored design, afterwards they'd rub it to make it pick up paint print on the thesis. This way they made LOTS of designs, and singular a few final prints.

Crafts are always biddable to do with children and can be done next to the boy's age as well as the girls' age. If you be 18 I'd suggest candle making, but that can be more dangerous so I don't recommend it at your age. You can tutor them how to do collages, and one day the collage could be macaroni and beans and other food items. Another daytime it could be pictures cut out of newspapers and magazine.

You want crafts that aren't too hard for the girls and too boring for the boy.

Also, ask them what games they approaching to play... inside and/or outside.

If the family say it's ok, nature walk would be great. Maybe one day you could do bird watching and another time see what insects you can find and identify.

We used to play hopscotch!
We used to roller skate...

You can do a google search for "games for kids/children" or "entertaining children" or "crafts for children" for more planning.

Have the kids brainstorm with you to obtain an idea of what things they'd presume up that they've not tried or have tried and would resembling to do.

Good luck.

Girls only, is this middle-of-the-road?

I would charge more than $5 an hour because it's 3 kids, but I wouldn't go too big either because you are with the sole purpose doing it as a favor. As for keeping them occupied I would pop contained by their favorite movie, and give them some popcorn. If they receive bored with it, play some games next to them (video games, board games), have a tea body or something with the girls, play dress up. Just do what you like to do as a kid. Hope this helps.

Any women here have a tubal ligation?

there are plenty of fun things to do with them! google it and you'kk find plenty of stuff to do! take home cookies, do tye dye or color pictures. I don't give family a set price. I tell them that they can choose the price they surmise i deserve. This makes them thoroughly happy and shows them that you are developed and they will normally donate you more money! GOOD LUCK and just enjoy fun and hang out next to the kids thats what they love best :)

Love Handles (upper back)?

8/hour sounds fair.bring video's, or play board games...puzzles.sounds boring for you I am sure, but kids love it.

Traveling messes up my interval, does that happen to anyone else?

go out to the park and play on the swings, or draw

I am a touch worried about getting my physical. can some one teem me in on it?

$5 per hour for respectively child maybe because you are sticking to your $5 per hour for 1 child instrument.

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