Are at hand any symptoms that you are going to have your spell soon?

im 13 and I always verbs if I am going to have my extent, I have have the white stuff in my panties lol, but Im sooo confused

How do you update the difference between miscarrage crapms and period cramps?

yea it really only comes out of nowhere with no requirement the first time. when i got it i be 11, i went to the bathroom to pee and here it was i didnt even touch it or anything. after you get used to have it you will know when its about to come. you may get the impression cramps,bloating, a little irritable lol. well brought-up luck.

Brazilian wax?!? please answer?

there really isnt no symptoms that you will get your spell soon if you havent had will purely come me i was 12 when i first have mine and i didnt feel any strange symptoms until that time it happened so lately relax.When the time is right it will just come.Then after you've have your first period you will know when your time of year is going to come.Like you'll get little cramps or slight headache so dont worry it'll be ok :)

Poped Cherry Organsam?

Breast discomfort, stomach aches, diarrhea, bleak mood/irritability, craving sweets/carbs.

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