Is tis Conjunctivitis? please answer?
Probably, theres really no way to narrate unless you could see it... so go to the doctor.. step soon because it's contagious.
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No one on here can tell you what it is minus seeing your eye and examining you. You need to see a doc to find out what it is.What can i do to stop virginal smell?
yes, and when you wake up up your eyes have dried stuff on them-you can return with drops and it will clear it up.It could very resourcefully be conjunctivitis. Use cool wet compresses on the eye for some nouns, but definitely be see by a doctor, either a own flesh and blood doctor or optometrist.
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sounds close to it, its very infectious stir to the doc and dont touch anyoneDarling go and see youir pharmacist and rushed!
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aka Pink Eye. You can gain eye drops that relieve this from your doctor.15, and I've only gotten an inch taller since I be 12?
It sounds likely that it is, look out as it is easily carried to the other eye! Go call round a chemist and get some eye drops its comfortable to get rid of.Are our bodies really as disgusting as we resembling to think?
yes without doubt sounds that way to me. A doctor can provide you drops for that which will make the infection run awayLadies, do you use pads or tampons?
Yeah they are the symptoms! You inevitability some anitbiotic eye drops from the chemist, juest tell them your symptoms.I seize it all the time, work stress's me out and my familial call me red eye when it starts appearing again, but nil to worry more or less!
Could be. Have you been sick lately? But more importantly, what KIND is it?
If the junk is basically a normal white/clear/pale washed out color, just bestow it a few days and press a towel soaked in warm/hot dampen to your eyes periodically. Makes them feel seriously better. It eventually should go away on it own. Of course, if it doesn't contact a doctor.
If it's green, you stipulation to go to the doctor and catch some antibiotic eyedrops.
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