Is it wrong to mess with the boss of my anorexic sister?

I do awesome things like buy her a shirt one size too small and communicate ther that if it doesnt fit, i will take it backbone and get a larger size. You know, stuff close to that. But lately I have be thinking that maybe it is hilairous to me, but perchance she doesn't like it. Maybe she does. I purely don't know.

HelpPLZ!I sweat to much!?

Do you really want your sister to die?
I was anorexic when I be younger and I got hospitalized because it get so bad. You are so thoughtless towards your sister, she is mentally ill and can do lacking you putting her down all the time. You should give a hand your sister get sustain for her disease, not encourage her.

How do u know when your extent is done for the month?

that is a terrible piece to do, it will just be paid her keep getiing smaller and smaller.

Plz lend a hand again? urgent?

Imbecilic little moron.

I am on the NuvaRing. If I put it in on the 17th. When should I take it out?

ur fin me anorexia its a disease so u should stop and grown up

What will it do?

In grip you didn't know but anorexia is a serious disease one that could kill your sister..Knock it sour!!

Brown bleeding between periods next to birth control pills.?

if anything, youre making her anorexia worse. good employment, i hope you get a giggle out of watching her die.

What's your most special love memory?

yes, just see in your mind`s eye if there be something that you had a prblem next to and someone you cared give or take a few was insensitive to you going on for it.

If a woman cannot reach orgasm during sex - what motivation is here for her to have sex at adjectives?

you are supposed to help her getting posterior her self confidence .. not to make her perceive even worse bout her self... this is awefull ... anorexcia is seriouse man!!

Causes of open cervix? depart cervix dangerous for adjectives pregnancy?

why in the world would you do somthing close to that...its not funny she has a sickness where on earth she wants to lose immensity and instead of hellping her you are tormenting are one mean personage!!

Girls, when someone pops your "cherry" and you start to bleed, is that a good or desperate thing?

DUMB ASSSSSSS..carry a life

Vagina Contraceptive Film?

You're absurd if you're serious. Get a life.

What happen, in detail to a woman when experiencign a miscarraige?

yes, its wrong. don't be surprised when she buys you a box of substantial condoms and then offer to get a smaller size if those don't fit.

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