Question...girls merely please..?

Ok, so I got my interval in approaching december '06; and i didnt get it again until resembling april '07; and i havnt gotten it since. My mom always say that it's because i don't or didn't eat satisfactory. Last year I was similar to 5'1 and 82 pounds and my parents made me gain weight; close to made. Now I'm 15(16 in october) almost 5'3 and approaching 100 pounds (trying to get to 95) and as I said I don't enjoy it. I've heard that it's not perfect if you havn't consistently gotten your period at 16. Is this doomed to failure? What should I do? Is it because I supposedly don't eat satisfactory? Sorry so many question but help please... Oh and if it help I was approaching 85 pounds when I first got it, idk if that does or doesn't oblige.

Painful boobs?

yes, thats very discouraging. at 5'3 you should be around 120 pounds. your not getting your period because your body doesnt hold enough excess weight. the female reproductive system requires our bodies to enjoy a certain flabby percentage. if that percentage is too low, it doesnt work right resulting in no periods.

sorry to voice, but you need to stop trying to LOSE cargo and try to GAIN it.

I having vaginal discharge resembling 24/7. im 14. i havent had something wrong near me?

Your weight could enjoy a lot to do beside it. When your body is not healthy, it doesn't menstrate. Ask anyone who's anorexic.

Talk to your doctor. There could be a physical function you're not gaining freight.

Starting the birth control pill in the middle of your cycle?

If you're extremely underweight (which you are) it affects your reproductive organs. My proposal to you is to gain some weight. Because you are at an sickly weight.

AM I finished next to puberty ?

well if u just started resembling u said in december sometimes u can skip months and consumption and not eating really doesnt issue but do eat dont starve urself and if u are completely athletic u dont have it becaus ur moving alot and somee girls dont return with there spell until they are 18 so dont worry if it is still similar to this when u turn 18 then dance see a doctor...if u still dont feel comfortable in a minute athen go see a doctor soon.. but im unfolding the truth..

What can I do to get more iron?

go to the doctors some ppl capture like ovarian cysts their approaching an obstruction on the fellopian tube if nil is wrong they'll put you on birth control so that your period is more regular i used to be close to that. but do go draw from that checked if there is something wrong you don't want it to be too tardy.. take trouble hun and good luck!


Being under-weight can explanation a period to stop, check beside your doctor what your weight should be at 5ft3.

But also a extent is very irregular when you first draw from it. Mine wasn't regular for the first 2 years. Sometimes I would get it every month, afterwards I would skip a few months, then return with it twice in one month.

Every females body is different and a time will settle itself in time.

Moodiness and PMS?

Your first few period may be a little sporadic, but within your case, See a Gynecologist *now*!! You're a hundred pounds at 16 yrs hoary & have a sporadic menstrual cycle? If your parents haven't taken you to a gynecologist for this adjectives situation already, you should go, on your own, in a minute. Without insurance, you're looking at $150. It's your health issues latter in natural life that are in threat.

What's the best birth control for someone who can't swallow pills?

if you do not have alot of iron surrounded by you diet or you dont eat alot after yes your periods can stop.
although the patter of your periods does formulate me think is here a history of polycystic overian syndrom in your home?
i think you should attain looked at by the docters

When you take the morning after pill..?

You enjoy a few issues to tend to. Your nutritional/weight status have most potential made you anemic and your cycle has nonetheless to fully establish. You need to follow up beside an MD.
Planned Parent hood is a great place to start for an initial consultation. Just remember you can get pregnant!

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