Over mass?

i have this cuzzen she is really close to me we celebration together nd stuff! well she go to the gym every day she losses and gain back shipment is that healthy for her? ive told her she is fighting fit but she just dosent listen! shes 13 and she is more or less my height((5.4)) she weights 148 pounds is she over weight? how do i help her??
thxs bchez!]


Abnormal time of year?

* Eat in response to hunger and stop intake when your body tells you it's full. These are the key to developing a good relationship next to food and preventing eating disorders.
* Exercise to remodel your health and power of life.
* Find your comfort zone near your body, appreciate it for what it is and keep an eye on risk factor for diseases like soaring blood pressure.
* Don't let stress create you to relapse into unhealthy traditions.
* Have regular check-ups. Get health screenings as recommended by your doctor.

Your body is forgiving and can withstand years of invective and neglect. Once you shift your focus to your body to some extent than the scale, your body will flourish and solidity loss will happen essentially.

Assess your life:

* Do you put away dinner in front of the box or on your way out the door? Instead, devour dinner at the table where you can appreciate your food and hear your body's messages.
* How in the blink of an eye do you eat? Slow down. It take 15 minutes for your brain to get the message that you hold had plenty.
* Do you exercise? If so, do you enjoy your exercise? Do you get it a priority?
* Are you stressed? Stress can lead to overeating and affect how your body uses food.
* How does your body be aware of when you're hungry? Wait for hunger to happen. In the meantime, do something to keep hold of your mind off food.
* Are you depressed? Mood disorders play a role surrounded by eating conduct, quality of enthusiasm and lifestyle choices.

Tampon troubles?

That sounds a slightly bit overweight maybe unless she is muscular. i am 12, 5'4" and 110lbs so yes I don`t know a bit...

I have run out of my birth control Rx and wont capture a new pack within time to start again on sunday.?

well no ... not if she is muscular (muscles way more than fat)
adjectives she needs to do is get through less fatty foods and More Exercise!

Stitches After Baby abdication!?

She is perfectly fine it is probaly muscles i weigh around in attendance and im 15 and 5.3 so she should not worry i other think im chubby with a swim suit but next to regular cloths i luck even better so tell her don't take worked up about it every one is different and she might not be a tooth pick or be a size 0-7 but she should not worry. How you serve her is by just hang on to enquarge her and make sure she keep eating becasue if she starts making her self sick than she will be come seriosly sick her self. I realy do hope this help alot =P best of luck to you all =T

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