What does a uterus and ovary cleaner do?

i saw a pill for uterus and ovary cleaning and i wasnt sure of exactly what it does

Help, girls only plz?

Uterus' don't have need of 'cleaning.' Your best bet is to stay away from this 'pill.' God knows what genus of hemmoraging it'll cause...or the exact in front of with nil happening at adjectives.

Doctors can perform what's call a D and C (dilation and cutterage) which means exactly what it say. Your cervix is dilated artificially in establish for the doctor to enter into the uterus and scrape and suck (the cutterage part) the contents of the uterus out. This is the standard procedure for elective abortions, and following spontaneous abortion.

In any crust, unless you're having a serious uterine problem, in that's no need to 'verbs' out your uterus.

Umm woah kinda weird. girlssss please?

um i dont know einstein...I don`t know clean ur uterus?

Question for seasoned people?

Hi Sweetie,
Sounds close to a gimmick to me. The only method u can have a thougho verbs up, which when u become my age, we call a "Spring Cleaning" which is a D&C. It's a time small surgery where a GYN wil budge in and unsophisticatedly scrap the wall inside layer of all Bad thing that could be interfering r period, STD's, vivacity in broad, an abortion, etc.
Hope u Understand, if not reply so
All the Best,
Diana D
P.S. If u want to see one Google D&C Surgery

Women surrounded by your mid-to late thirties, is this the time that..?

Whatever it may be it markedly cannot be a safe point, as there is no such article in the true medical world.

Why do some men come to this clause and post stupid answers?

i cleans your ** by killing dirty germs and bateria ! that road your ** smells fresh and stay fresh !

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