Why do some men come to this article and post stupid answers?

Sometimes when a woman asks a serious question, why do some men be aware of the need to bestow stupid answers? Here is an example of what I mean. (The first two answers)

Pink Menstraul Blood?

I hold seen women do one and the same thing. People simply like the attention and want to see a recoil. Best thing we can do is give the brush-off it. Some people dream up it's cute and funny. When the person asking the give somebody the third degree is being sincere roughly what they are asking. It's annoying, but blow them off. They will eventually any leave or acquire in trouble. ;)

Could I be pregnant? Please backing?

because they're immature and bitter that they can't acquire laid.

Question to the ladies from a guy on an embarressing topic- Let's say you are near a guy in bed?

Because boys are complete idiots. womenanswers.org is a great place to realize this, earlier you make the mistake of dating one.

Please oblige me..please :(?

Only the stupid can come up with stupid answers. :-)

Can uterine fibroids produce miscarriages?

I totally agree with adjectives of the above! I've seen some pretty stupid answers by women too.

Just be glad that near are some of us out there that don't confer the stupid answers. :-)

I am very self-conscience..?

Because they're unused idiots who think they're funny when they're far from it. Then again, I've see women do the same point...

If i started spotting then when should i expect my length?

Ah, what the heck, why don't I try to earn back a apt name for the wearing clothes men in the world. Unfortunately, men are usually weak, and insensitive to female problems that they can't relate to. They find things that they don't want to deal beside funny, and just overall don't watchfulness. womenanswers.orgs is a way that they can engineer rude comments without facing any serious consequences while potentially attainment two points. I am more mature than most guys, so I tend not to answer anything near a stupid, insensitive, or sexist remark. However, I have see some incredibly immature comments by women as capably, so don't be too hasty to put down my gender over yours, though I will make a clean breast guys are, in common, bigger jerks. The explanation they come to this section surrounded by particular is because they are probably hoping to hear girls have a chat about their breasts or private parts, import they have no lives. Hope this clears things up in your mind!

Booty problems?

Cuz some men entail to get their jollies on laughing at serious womens' problems.

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