Pls help... direction needed. Constant nausea and stomach cramps/ bloating?

I would appreciate any advice. Have be suffering with really hurting stomach cramps and bloating since April last year. I be constipated for just over a week and don't appear to have be right since. In the last 6 months my lower belly has swollen and my clothes size have increased from a small 10 to a tight 12. The nausea is almost constantly there and is driving me insane. I grain like I want to belch adjectives the time. My stools are also concerning me - I have have mucus within them, which have gradually increased. I own been to my GP several times and merely recently I go in and asked to be referred. I have a consultation at my local hosp and he prodded my stomach asked a few Q's and then hand me leaflets on IBS. I really didn't feel resembling he had explored satisfactory.
Does anyone have any theory what is wrong?

Women over 40, is menopause as bad as they right to be heard? and do you really dry up?

Hiya-first of all don't worry.Your not alone.Loads of my home have IBS-it is bloody horrible.Your doctor sounds similar to he is totally unsupportive and needs a virtuous kick up his butt!Irritable Bowel Syndrome is an unexplained malady that causes cramping,diarrhea,constipation... etc.It is repeatedly caused by faultless foods u r allergic to but if ur a girl,PMS also effects it!If i were u i would brand name a chart of all the food u r eatin and when u receive ill to try and find out what ur allergic to.Failing tht walk to Holland+Barret and book a food sensitivity test and cut out adjectives the food ur allegic too.My mum uses Colpermin tablets (Get from the docs) to relieve bloating and also cooks from a book, Barbara Cousin's 'Cooking Without'.It is really good.Peppermint tea is apt for the stomach cramps and Ginger biscuits/tea relieve sickness.As do travel sickness bands.I hope i hold helped u :) xxx

Periods suck!?

IBS (and yes I enjoy it as one of my many medical problems) can motive a number of the symptoms that you hold going on but I would recommend that you consult a gastroenterologist (a dr that treats diseases and conditions of the stomach and intestines). I don't know if this is the dr that your primary care dr is have you see at the local hospital but if not please request a consultation next to a gastroenterologist to see if they can help you amount out what is going on.

Nervous and Hopeing?

You need a referral to a gastroenterologist. While the differential diagnosis of your symptoms might include IBS, you do not mention alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhoea. a hallmark of irritable bowel syndrome.

You nouns more like IBD, inflammatory bowel disease. Not treated alike as IBS at all. IBD is a residence that covers crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and diverticulitis, and some of these can present in ways that can massacre you, or make yo want to die.

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