Im 13 and i haven't have my period however but...?

about 2 weeks ago, i started to bleed a tiny bit and it went on for 2-3 days. i don't know if this is the start of my term or what?


How do so many women blame an ineffective "pill" for their pregnancy when it is 99.9% effective?

that would be your extent.
congratulations youre a woman!

Period help.. girls please?

yeah that would be ure period

If a woman have psychiatric problems during her menopause?

yay you did get it congrats you're a woman!

Acne? Pimples? Black head? Zits?

yeah that was most expected your period..congrads..rememb... to other have satisfactory pads/tampons so you wont run out.

Saying: Shave above the knee?

unfortunantely that be your period. sorry.

GIRLS ONLY PLEASE! can you assist me?

now your gonna own lots a pains,lol
well,response to woman hood!

Do i really have to continue til the first day of my term before starting my ortho tricyclen lo?

I believe that could be it. Spotting conceivably?

I didn't start my period until I be 15 and had alike thing you did. It be really weird because I have 'periods' that last for about two days or so and they be really light. It took a while for it to become regular (almost partly a year or so). If this goes on for a really long time I would suggest seeing a doctor, but I devise you'll be fine. :)

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