Girls solely please? womens problems lol...?

Well, I am in a sexually involved relationship and we have be using protection so I am confident I am not pregnant, however, I have lately had my term theat lasted going on for three days when normally (for years!) they ending about a week...should I be worried is my query thanks :D

Answers:    The same entity happened to me! I don't suppose you have anything to verbs about, it's newly that lots of sex relaxes the muscles and makes the flow easier (hard to explain in need being gross). Also, if you have sex during your period, that recurrently speeds it up a lot.

To avoid any confusion surrounded by future, reassure yourself that you're noticeably using adequate protection (perhaps call round the family planning clinic) so that you can relax and savour it without worries.
No zilch to worry in the region of - what age are you, mine went resembling that but I was belatedly 40s at the time. No, don't worry... Be glad it be just three days this time! ;-)

(seriously, if you verbs, get a test)
I wouldn't enjoy thought its anything to worry around. You dont say your age. could you be getting close to to the menopause. I'd just dawdle and see what the next one does and if your worried see your doctor. How frail are you? Have you been off-colour at all the final month? Did it feel resembling a normal term when it started?

I would suspect you are fine, but if you are really truly worried, have a chat beside your surgery nurse.
no your fine.
mine were completely regular for in the order of 5 years then one months i have one that was lone 2 days. Then ive been put a bet on to normal for ages until a couple months ago.

it of late happens sometimes. probably hormone related most things are
No I wouldn't verbs. There are lots of things that can affect periods. See what your subsequent one is like. u dont influence how old u are but period can change adjectives the time and can last from 3 to 7 days surrounded by some ppl dont worry to much but if u are concerned or if they stop adjectives together seek proposal from ur gp .but if they are normal surrounded by every other way a moment ago dont worry and soak up the fact ur not on ur spell for that long now
I focus it'll be fine but mine have be predictable for ages so I'd wonder too if they changed - and if you're here and asking you're wondering - so I think you should help yourself to the test There are soooo abundant factors that can contribute to have an abnormal period- stress, diet, exercise and the register goes on. But to assuage your mind you can go pick up a interview.
this happens to me too. No, don't be worried! ALso, are you sure your spell is over? I have those days (usually after two or three days) where on earth my period lately goes away and I enjoy no bleeding for 24-48 hours, then tap, its back on for a few more days. I would carry some birth will help regulate your interval AND give you peace of mind!
no. i wouldn't verbs. many things can affect your cycle. i started when i be 10 by the time i was 16 i be on every 2 weeks. I'd go between heavily built and then frothy. then i settled down again after my son be born (i was 18) and have no probs for years.
the slightest stress, change surrounded by exercise even can knock your period. if you own concerns it's always worth chatting to practise nurse or at a very well woman clinic. should i get a hood for the wedding? i love a honeymoon. x

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