I regard as i hold a yeast infection?
I dont know what to do.. i have a feeling so repulsive..?
Only a doctor can tell for sure if you have a yeast infection by taking a swab and run some test. Most of us can sometimes tell by the feel, look, and smell that you enjoy a yeast infection. If your symptoms don't match this list, or you are confused or distrustful, go see your doctor if at all possible.It feel like an intense itching, burning sensation, localized in your vagina and vulva. This itching is not other present, but can get really bad, so bleak you can hardly walk, tolerate alone sit still or concentrate on anything.
It looks like clumpy white stuff. Most medical descriptions compare the discharge to ricotta cheese, but it can range from gummy and not clumpy to faintly yellow to adulterate and clear.
It smells like bread or beer. In fact, it smells pretty much exactly resembling yeast.
There are other types of infections that can sometimes infect your vagina and vulva and it's helpful to know the symptoms of all of them so you can be really sure back you go treat yourself for a yeast infection you might not have.
A bacterial infection of the vagina can grain a lot like a yeast infection if the vulval nouns is itchy or painful. Unlike a yeast infection, the discharge can be dark washed out, green, or brown and it won't smell like bread, it can smell like fish or something rotting. If you assume you might have a bacterial infection, or if you're not sure, get I would recommend going to see your doctor as this have to be treated with prescription antibiotics.
Urinary tract infections (UTI's) are due to bacteria infecting the urethra a bit than the vagina. UTI's can be fairly easily distinguished from vaginal infections by a host of symptoms, including spasm or burning when urinating, blood or mucus in urine, needing to urinate commonly, pain or pressure in put a bet on or lower abdomen and a fever or chills. If you judge you might have a UTI, don't delay, stir see your doctor, because the infection can travel up past the bladder, causing kidney disfavour.
Another type of infection called trichomoniasis is caused by a parasite that can infect both the vagina and the urinary tract, and is primarily sexually transmitted. If you hold a trichomoniasis infection, your vagina can be itchy or painful, it can hurt to urinate, intercourse can be painful, and occasionally you can experience anguish in your lower abdomen. Again, you hold to see a doctor to get antibiotics to treat this.
I would recommend you see your doctor just to rule out any other infections and to gain a proper diagnosis and proper treatment.
Good luck :)
Anal sex...serious answers singular?
It sounds like a yeast which you can treat by getting a box of monostat for 7 days though b/c if its a bad yeast infection that doesnt move about away with yogurt then you want at least a 7 day supply to be sure because the 1 afternoon supply you could still be suffering with it later. Make sure if you are going to rivet in sex acts your bf have washed his hands and fingernailsHi Brittney,
It sure sounds close to a yeast infection.
Yeast infections are so common its ridiculous and they always give the impression of being to come at the worse times. I had it for 6 months at one point which was a material low point and I hated the idea of using adjectives those chemicals so I did some research on the internet and found one particular website so useful since it be completely natural!
In my experience it has be the only thing that get rid of my infection for good!
If you want to give it a try you can find it at http://www.QuickYeastInfectionCure.com
Good luck hun!
It sounds approaching you could, but it is possible you dont. Drinking and eating what you all equipped are is good! Keep that up.
If you dont i think here could be a few possibilities: You could have an allergy to condoms. It would explain the itchy/burning feeling. Or things of late are not so well...clean down near. If the doctors is too expensive try the clinic or planned parenthood. They can do wonders!
If you got sored I don`t know you are healing.healing itches and hurts a bit
But if it really hurts and you own a discharge...I'm almost sure you've got a yeast infection...
There are some creams you can buy, but it's not recommended to auto-medicate yourself in need a doctors check up..and "that" part is very diaphanous!!
I hold a two week term. im anxious.?
If the discharge looks like cottage cheese then its a yeast infection. If not it could be another kind of infection.It sounds like you're attempting to treat a UTI from the medication + cranberry liquid, not a yeast infection for one thing... there's a big difference and treating the wrong one isn't going to help much. If it feel like yeast, there's better treatments than that. Though, without much discharge, it's easier said than done to say if you haven't had one and can convey which it could be. A doctor could detect either easily though.
There are home detection kit, but it's hard to know unless you've had one beforehand from just the symptoms. It may also be a latex allergy, or from breaking the hymen (depending on how severe the itching and pain are), or some infection from dirty hand (especially if you stretched or tore a bit to leave a nice path for the germs).
If it last more than a day or three, go contained by. They'll most likely test your urine and offer you medicine or advice. If the AZO didn't assist very quickly (though if it's the antibiotic sort to some extent than the pain sort you have to embezzle it for a while after you feel better), it's not likely to fix it.
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