How much solidity should I lose?

I am 16 years old, 5"3 and a girl. I bulk 143, PLEASE if you have any suggestions agree to me know because i'm very desperate, i'm sick of self over weight!

What is a strong weight for a 13 year mature girl of 5'-5.5' ?

Its hard to influence how much weight you should lose, your body is still growing. Also, how alive are you? Just start to eat well again, lay off the snack foods, and bring a little more helpful. Even if you don't need to lose counterweight, it'll definately help you tone up.

Why am I losing mass?

i'm 5'3 (been since about 15 yo) and at your age i weigh about 120-125. As soon as i go up to 130 they told me i was over immensity. Just exercise, drink lots and lots of water, and keep under surveillance what you eat. even a 45min. day after day walk is virtuous.

About HPVi need a doctor.?

Losing counterweight shouldn't be an issue at your age, unless you are morbidly obese. Try to maintain your bulk by eating a stout diet (use the food pyramid) and exercise regularly for at least 45-60 minutes every sunshine. If you truely want to lose weight, it is better to guzzle more fruits and veggies and less unwanted items food and over time it will naturally come past its sell-by date. Happy trails!

Anyone had a colposcopy?

that doesnt seem to be big at all. I weigh 120 and 5.1 and im 16 . ur probably fine . but its what u imagine. GOOD LUCK!

Home pap test kit?

for your height your contained by your right wieght range. so dont stress something like it your not overweight

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