Does Ortho-Tri-Cyclen incentive anxiety?

When I started the ortho-tri-cyclen, 5 years ago, i noticed I be getting anxiety and small panic attacks. Now, I am still on the ortho and enjoy severe anxiety. I've been on paxil and psychoanalysis for a few months now, which have helped. I go down to ortho-lo to try a lower dose and my anxiety shot through the roof. Im all confused!

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It could just be a spurious correlation which way something else in your life triggered the anxiety and you are attributing the birth control to your basis. However, hormones are very powerful and they can brand you moody. So it's quite possible but difficult to really know unless you budge off the birth control for a length of time.

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yes it does. where on earth i live hey have these add on tv where they hold been sued

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I be on ortho tri cyclen since the age of 16 (I'm now almost 26) earlier switching pills about 8 months ago. I experience extreme moodiness and depression from Ortho, which be a bit more severe than your standard mood swings. My doctor switched me to Loestrin fe, and said that my hormones had changed throughout the years and Ortho be too high of a dose for me. See if your doctor can switch you to something beside a smaller dosage of hormones. I really saw the difference after switching. The PMS mood swings are still there, but they are not as severe and alarming as before. Good luck.

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