Abortion pill?

I am curious about the entire process. Could someone please explain in detail everything that would come up from the doc's visit to side effects, and phases of the pill(s).thanx

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I took the abortion pill about a month ago. I go to the clinic for an initial visit to confirm the pregnancy and bring in an appointment for the actual abortion. On the day of the abortion I go into the clinic and was near for about two hours within total. They did an ultra sound to variety sure I was far ample along for the procedure and did some lab work to make sure I be healthy ample (checked my blood pressure, iron, etc.). After that there be a brief councelling session where they asked me how I have come to the decision to abort (I assume this is to assure that the women is not individual forced or coerced into the abortion) and explained to me what would happen and what to expect. After that they give me the first pill, which you take at the clinic (this cause your body to stop producing the necessary hormones to verbs pregnancy) and they give you pills to filch 24-48 hours later. The second set of pills motivation your uterus to contract so your body will expel the pregnancy tissue (you will pass clumps that can alter in size from the size of a bean to the size of a lemon, depending on how far along you are). Two weeks after you will own to go subsidise to the clinic so they can make sure that the pregnancy completed and that there is no remaining excess tissue not here in your uterus.

As far as side effects shift, they vary from women to women. You will most manifestly bleed and cramp. They do give you a prescription for a stomach-ache killer resembling vicodin as well as recommend taking ib profen over that. Most women describe the cramping as only sightly worse consequently their periods, it be a lot worse next that for me! You can also get seasick, vomit and have diarreah. The cramping should acquire better once you pass the pregnancy tissue, which should be inwardly 4-5 hours after you take the second set of pills. The bleeding can later for a few weeks and can come and go.

As far as more serious side effects jump they are very scarce but possible. With a medical abotion (the abortion pill) the chances that the pregancy will shutting down are 97% where as next to a surgical abortion the chances are 99%. So you likelihood of remaining pregnant, while small, are greater. They highly recommend getting a surgical abortion if a medical abortion fail because the attempted abortion could cause birth defects. There is also the possibility of infection, which could compass from less serious (like a urinary tract infection) to deeply serious and life-threatening. It will not effect your ability to achieve pregnant in the adjectives.

Ok well i be just wondering when do YOU dream up the best age is for sex? thankksss xxxx?

Abortion is bad you should not even deliberate about it!!!1

Help, I obligation some links?

Are you talking in the order of the morning after pill? You need to transport that within 24 hours after unprotected sex and after a second pill when you're told to.

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I am assuming that you are referring to the "medication abortion", and not RU-486. Here are some links that I assume you may find very informative:


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Well, you embezzle the pill and it effects the levels of progesterone within your body. Progesterone is the hormone responsible for keeping the egg implanted in the uterus. This pill (RU 486) basically cuts bad the progesterone, the egg or embryo therefore cannot stay attached surrounded by the uterus, and the body expels the egg/fetus out of the body.

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there is a pill that you can take i hear it hurts and theres a lot of blood when i hear girls tell their story i be i would talk the pill consequently fall asleep within the tub. I'm serious they say its alot of blood and cramps associated near that pill. Oh you take right beforehand bed and in the middle of the darkness you wake up a bloody mess

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I've never experienced this, but from what I get the message it would go approaching this. Girl goes to doctor, girl get prescription, girl fills prescription, girl go home and takes pill(s) according to directions, girl spends a hours of daylight or two making frequent trips to the bathroom, where the contents of her uterus come out.

Keep within mind the abortion pill and the morning-after pill are totally different things. The morning-after pill does NOT cause an abortion, it prevents the pregnancy from occurring and can single be taken within the first 72 hours after sex. The abortion pill can be used during the first several weeks of pregnancy. I don't know if this is for you or if you're of late wondering, but in any case, appropriate luck to you!

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