If you wear a tampon in the pool, do you have to steal it out immediately after?


Pro-choice arguments please relief!?

It's not necessary, but to catch rid of the worries and stop thinking about it individual there adjectives the time, you can remove it.

I get so horny when my bra or shirt rubs across my nipples?

ask you doctor.

What is wrong?

I would recommend that you do. I'm pretty sure that some pool water probably get absorbed as very well and it would just be safer if you did.

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Yes, river makes it swell and it won't hold as good. In dampen you are fine but as soon as you get out progress take strictness of it.


i dnt think u hav 2 but i wud jus for common hygiene

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i would

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no but you probably just want to. It is going to bring back water wrapped up and not provide as great of protection but it will not hurt you

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You don't hold to, but it is rather self-conscious to wear a wet tampon, unless you dry sour the string sufficiently.

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yes clutch it out immediatley after becuz u dont want to get tosix shock syndrome! to be on the nontoxic side u should take it out as soon as possible!!

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