What is going to the gynocologist for the first time resembling?

I don't know how to ask my mom to take me, i'm 16, but i'm plannning on have sex with me boyfriend soon too. what'll occur there?

I win burning down the front of my legs, I am female,48 yrs?

When it comes to recitation your mom just be honest near her about why you want to jump. She will appreciate you being honest next to her, or tell her that you are have some problems with your spell (if you are then that would be truthful as ably because if there is something is going on

As for what they will do when you carry there. They will insert a special instrument call a speculum (which looks like the bill of a duck) that allows them to know how to see in to your vagina to check the discharge to manufacture sure no infection is going on. They will also probably do a pap smear at this time. A special brush is used to take cell from the cervix that then get put on a slide that is sent rotten to a lab for analysis. They are checking to make sure that nearby is no abnormalities surrounded by those cells that can propose cancer.

Some spotting for a couple of days afterward is normal because of the irritation cause by the brush. If it continues past that after you need to agree to the dr know.

After the dr is done with the pap smear they will do an exam of your uterus, ovaries, and tubes to produce sure there are no abnormality with admiration to shape, and size and also no masses such as cysts.

The dr will also ask give or take a few your overall medical history (certain medical conditions can make taking the pill drastically risky for some women) and answer any other questions you hold.

If you have other question for me about going to the gynecologist please quality free to e-mail or IM me privately any time.

Do anyone think that Birth Control pills will increase your vaginal secretion?

I took my 15 year old daughter because she have a cyst on her ovary. She was a virgin and she said the doctor could not do the exam because it would break her hymen and my daughter flat refuse to let her do that. I moved out the room to give my daughter total privacy but I asked her almost how it went. She be embarrassed obviously but the doctor was a immature female and that made adjectives the difference in the world. My daughter be much more at ease near this particular doctor.
How to ask your mom is a totally different story. Do you reason she will yell at you, sermonize you,or worse yet cry? If so jump to a family planning clinic. You don't own to tell you mom and they can't inform her either. It's a big huge breech of your privacy.
I do want you would wait until you are elder but if you can't or won't wait next you are doing the most responsible thing that you can do. For that you stipulation to be applauded!

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