Can you take your period a week hasty if you are on the pill?


When i shave my vaginal area i seize red bumps?

Yes you can. Especially if you started the pill pretty recently it take like the first month or so for your body to adjust to the correct. The pill tricks your body into thinking you're pregnant thus stopping your period. If you're aiming to stop it entirely similar to the person above me said, you can skip the placebos. But within are 2 forms of birth control now one call Seasonale where you gain a period once every 3 months, and another call Seasonique where instead of one week of placebos they use a week of low dose estrogen so you won't attain a period at adjectives until you stop taking them.

Question for women only, please. No silly answers, gratitude?

Sometimes if you miss a pill or take it at a different time than usual, you can start untimely or late because your body is used to getting that pill at a correct time every day. So yes, you can start a week impulsive!

Mitte, Mitte?

depends on what type of pill you are on. I find that taking the pill can cause adjectives sorts of problems with my interval. My last dilemma be an absence of term. So I guess anything is possible with your time when you're taking the pill.

Feminie stufff?

If you have be taking the pill for a long time and you stop a week early, you will not be protected until you enjoy taken the pill for another 7 days after you stopped...

but you will probably start you period untimely... maybe not a week though...

If you are trying to amend your schedule, it is better to do it by skipping your extent by going straight into your next set of busy pills.

Is there some homeremedies or ways to treat each day vaginal discharge :(?

Hi Linda,
Unfortunately you can, nobody said it's 100% accurate. It's a very hoary remedy, still counted as highly recommended, but approaching I said it's not perfect. Maybe a moment or two stress in your time lately, a worry, anything principal, can trigger it off a tad.

Hope it's better subsequent month!
Diana D

Girls only?

Yes, especially if you've individual been on it for a few months. Some birth control pills appropriate some time to regulate, like longer than others. When I be on the pill, I was still getting an irregular extent months after I started taking it. Also make sure you're taking it 100% reliably because that can really throw you off, even by missing a short time ago one day. It's run of the mill, don't you worry.

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