Is this average?

when that time of the month comes around and the first day comes approaching after an hour of it this really excruciating pain shoots from where on earth the ovaries are located and into my back where on earth they remain for a few hours and as time progresses the pain spreads down into my legs and to my stomach making me want / hold to puke and get headache. the pain stops spreading and purely stays there until the subsequent day where on earth they completely dissapear. is that normal for girls or what cuz it a moment ago doesnt sound middle-of-the-road 2 me

I haven't had my extent in 5 months and I am still a virgin. Is something wrong?

Honestly we're adjectives different and your situation doesn't sound any smaller amount normal than the rest.

Me one-sidedly, I get pains and tender breast at tiniest 2 weeks in suggestion. The day my cycle arrives, I sometimes hold pain so SEVERE contained by my coccyx - tail bone - that I can hardly totter. My fingertips get numb. I procure nauseous! It's a roller coaster ride!

If you honestly deem you may have an issue afterwards seek the guidance of your OB/primary effort physician. Good Luck! :-)

How long do I have to dawdle after a D&C to go swimming?

i would shift to doc and have your thyroid checked its possible that u get a thyroid problems it makes the period painful and pouring to.

Why am I bleeding after sex?

when you go to your Dr you should also ask give or take a few being checked for endometriosis. that cause severe pain as all right

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