How possible...?

me and my boyfriend had sex a couple days up to that time my period. we used the verbs out method but i was supposed to hold my period concluding week. should i be worrying? How likely would it be that i be pregnant?

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go wager on to 9th grade sex ed, incentive you need to revise that pulling out IS NOT A METHOD! guys have a preejaculate fluid that contains sperm, which incredibly likely get into your vagina. it depresses me when i see teens who think this is efficient birth control. if you dont know that you shouldnt be having sex. travel buy some condoms for gods sake!

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It's possible you're pregnant. If you don't start in the subsequent few days, get a pregnancy examination. Sometimes worrying will make you in arrears for your period too.

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umm you should be for a time worried althoug if you just started your time in the recent past year or two your periods might be for a time irregular so just lurk for a month and then if you dont acquire a period...budge to your doctor

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pull out is not fool proof. have u be stressing? that can cause you to be unpaid. mine has changed up on me b4. thought i be pregs last yr. b/c i be late but it changed on me & started coming then in the month. have changed @ least 2x contained by the last yr. try 2 relax & later if it doesn't come in a morning or so take a experiment.

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Hate to be the barer of fruitless news but it's impeccably possible. Pulling out isn't full proof. He might be slightly late and/or pre-ejeculate could smoothly have be released without anyone realising during sex.
What I did:
Wait for one or two more weeks (monitering yourself for untimely pregnancy signs) then bring a pregnancy test if you still haven't walk your period.

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its possible but you should wait a couple more days afterwards take a pregnancy theory test

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the verbs out method shouldn't even be considered a method of birth control!! how old are you?! who told you that constituted birth control? empire amaze me. get a pregnancy exam...if it's negative cart this lesson verrrrry seriously! get on birth control...near's just no function not to.

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i think your pregnant i would steal a pregnancy test

Is it genetically possible that?

oh sweetie, I would attain a pregnancy test because it's a apposite possibility that you could be. also, the pull out method is the later birth control method you want to use; it only filch a drop to make you pregnant and it can drip out purely before he have a climax. please use another method to be safe. hope everything works out in your favor hun.

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