I own a problem?

well, last week i have sex for the first time, and me and my boyfriend did not use protection, and later on after we have sex my vagina has feel funny, like when i jump to urinate my vagina tickles, almost like i am getting stimulated, and when i wipe i own blood on my tissue, and slight itching, what is this a sign of? i cant tell my parents im have sex so im depending on you all to distribute me good guidance since i have no course of getting to the doctor, i am not on birth control and my period finished last week, on wednesday and we have sex on friday

Tuberculosis shot during pregnancy?

first off ALWAYS USE PROTECTION!! Secondly the outlandish feeling you draw from could be just you human being unused to having sex or you could possibly be allergic to his sperm (weird but possible) and the blood could be from your hymen breaking. Thirdly DONT BE A FOOL MAKE HIM WRAP HIS TOOL.

Have you be on Cerazette?

most likely ur cherry popped and the strecthing of ur vag. it happen to me

CONTRACEPTION whos got a hormone shoot in their arm?

If everyone on here advise you to go to the doctor, I doubt you would or could because you'd hold to get around your parents. This isn't the forum to find out why you are bleeding. I'd read out its probably nothing, but what if I'm wrong and it certainly is something life threatening? It could be, you know.

What could it be?

Your hymen get torn so that is where on earth the blood is coming from and the itching is probably just from irritation aka the friction of his penis. You entail to use a condom from here on in and consider getting on birth control of some sort. I am sure you enjoy heard of locked sex.......Welll then start practicing it.

Birth Control and Breast size?

Well, if you can't agree to your parents about it...and you hold no way of going to a doctor for these things...I hold to say that you probably should not be have sex at all.

That said.what you are explaining does not nouns familiar to me. Although a yeast infection can rationale the area to be more stimulated and itchy...I own not heard of a yeast infection cause a woman to bleed. You have to find yourself a free clinic asap, or anything you can do...and please stop having sex if you own no means to agreement with any of the consequences..or at the tremendously least if you do opt to keep have sex...always use condoms.

115 lbs and 25-30 single?

Knowing what to do (intelligence) and deciding to do it (wisdom) are two entirely different things.
Practice not detrimental sex (intelligence). DO it!! (wisdom)

Why does it hurt?

why wouldn't you use protection? Honestly it's not even hard to put on, or buy. That be just stupid on your element.

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