Bleeding while urinating?

2 days ago i used the bathroom after coming home and when toward the end ofurinating, it hurt inside that nouns. and spots of blood came out. 2 days back that my period terminated. I'm, 14 and i'm a virgin. it still happens but i don't bleed's only a pain and after i urinated, i entail to urinate again and a lil urine comes out with a shooting distress. Could i have UTI [Urinary Tract Infection] but i hear it's for older ethnic group. I don't think i could own it cuz i looked at another question something like that and some1 sent them this:

Urinary tract infection is more likely to transpire in women who:

are just this minute sexually active
are pregnant
are postmenopausal
have a history of diabetes, sickle-cell anemia, or abnormality of the urinary tract
are on steroids
have be hospitalized recently.
What are the symptoms?

so i'm not sure. My sister said i should drink alot of hose like 4 goggles each daylight minimum and if it doesnt stop by monday she'll take me to see a doctor. Help?

Weight problem?

it usually happen in like mad of the cases you listed but its not unusual for it to crop up in younger women. My counsel would be to see a doctor, however, because only they can describe for sure. good luck:)

When you originate birth controll?

First of all 4 cups of river is not a lot. Aim for 8-10 cups. Second, anyone at any age can seize a urinary tract infection, and it sounds like you've get one. I've seen babies win them before.
Get to your Dr. today if you can, because you're suffering needlessly if you dally for next week. You entail to get started on a course of antibiotics so the discomfort will lessen sooner.

Hope you feel better soon!

I don't know what's arranged to me!?!?!?

It could be bladder or gull stones. My aunt had it and you enjoy to get it checked out becasue she didn't and have to call the ambulance at home because she couldn't even procure out of bed. You may be lucky and pass the stones while you pee, but you may stipulation surgery.

Fallopian tubes attached to the uterus?

See a doctor. They know everything.

How should we go nearly this?

Omg i had one and the same thing when i be 11 but it was coz my time was coming....its an overactive bladder and you entail to talk yto a urologist and they will check and direction you some medicine. apt luck

Someone Please Help? (Women only please, Gyn. related issue)?

You've unambiguously got something going wrong next to your urinary tract - UTI? Kidney stone? I don't know exactly what. Yeah, very mild UTI's can be handle with lots of hose down and cranberry juice, but if you own blood, I'd say you be beyond very mild, and have need of to see a doctor.

I have missed a length, had intermittant spotting, and am extremely moody what could be the motive?

That has happen to me before. I only just got an antiboitic and feel better by the next morning. You can get UTI's from deeply things, certain medication, too tight of pants.the usual symptons I enjoy gotten are almost a crampy pain when I pee, have to pee more often, next the slight blood spotting.

I just finished my length like a week ago and that i'm on birth control. very soon one week later after my length i'

do u want to be my friend all I necessitate is ur email!

I haven't started my period but but i have be getting these lightish brown discharges, is that bad?

every time i receive my period that happen. I think it freshly gets chapped(?) from adjectives the blood being down here in the wad, so you are always drizzly. When it happens, i switch to tampons, and it go away 1 or 2 days l8r.

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