HELP what iswrong with my spell pleasehelp?

about a month and a half ago a gotmy length and it only last for like anhour and to time i got it again but when i get home from school it be gone i am only 16 i own already raken a test but it said i be not pregnant what do you think also fell dizzy and tired adjectives the time

What are the chances that my doctor will put me on hgh if i ask?

How long ago did you clutch the test? After your first extent? There are a couple things. You "could" be pregnant, and if that is a possibility you should whip another test or step to the doc and have a blood theory test...the other is that you may have anemia. Anemia is when your red blood cell count is low. It can raison d`??tre the same symptoms you enumerate above. There are different kinds of anemia and respectively is treated differently but would also require a doctor. Because of your age, you may consider contacting your local public health department. They can check you for both and it's confidential and will likely not cost you anything.

Is this my extent again?

Go to your doctor. You might have an iron not as much as, or low blood pressure if you're feeling dizzy and fatigued. Periods can be pretty wacky, but coupled next to the other symptoms I think you involve to go see a professional.

I am 14 and i essentially have no boobs?

i dont know why your complaining
adjectives womens periods are different, you hold really short ones that are few and far between
as for the dizzy thing, lay rotten the chronic

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