Why don't some women notice when they hold a moustache?


Will my doctor prescribe me growth hormone injections?

loll this made me laugh. its so true though and i ponder its sucha HUGE mistake and most definetely against the rules of feminism when a woman steps out of the house sporting a nice, hairy mush. yuckyuckyuck.
approaching theres this girl at my college who i SWEAR has not done anything to her upper lip.. or conceivably she did at one point in her life and stopped cos she be bored of maintaning it. and now its resembling proper thick and hairyy and so horrible looking, that when u articulate to her its almost impossible not to stare at it. if u started doing something to it, then why stop? you're singular going and making it worse otherwisee.. lol

plssss its not that difficult to remove a hairy upper lip. u can obtain wax strips from health & exquisiteness stores. or sometimes when i find myself in a hurry in the morningss.. and look in the mirror to see hair within then i only just pick up a thread and there we are. smooth peasy.

whatever u do, DONT step out the house beside a tash. theres a reason why merely guys can get away next to ittt.

Women please help how do u overcome the horror of the OB/GYN EXAM?

it covers their eyes.

When I drink soda I feel as if I am getting a bladder infection.?

maybe they do make out it but find waxing too itchy

Could he be too big 4 me?

The milk covers it.

Anyone have pelvic twinge in first month of pregnancy?

they spot it, they just choose not to do anything in the order of it

What is this that my doctor told me?

cuz they are going for the freddy mercury look

I'm about in position to get married, and?

Same root they dont notice the sideburns

Yeah. i entail help.?

I hold a light one (like everyone else) but I freshly leave it alone, wax makes it worse

Two month unsettled negative?

//// \\\\

It's in recent times a hair lip!

I enjoy been bleeding non stop for 9 months, what could it be?

Their unibrow is blocking their delirium.

Period help?

I don't know! But I know what you indicate! Personally I am very paranoid something like any facial hair and other check that its not overgrown!! lol, but the amount of women I see with a full bleak moustache and worse even, pending beard is worrying! probably those women don't care and hold more important things on their mind than what they look approaching, so maybe they should be admired - but equally maybe they should be given a couple of tweezers.

I take 9yrs birth control for my spell now I want seize pregnancy. How long I need to stop pill past I plan?

They may simply accept the reality and not consider it something to "correct". If it bothers you, don't look.

Can u get bigger breast?

maybe they do interest it, but since no one tell them about it or make a comment, they might think that not a soul sees it and so leaving it the road it is

I think i want to enjoy sex but last time i did my vagina started to hurt what should i do?

Maybe they don't aid and have more central things to worry nearly?

What happens to females as they grow up?

They probably lately don't care.

Is at hand a side effect if you take a shower during first afternoon monthly period?

Maybe some women don't guardianship.

Just got my first extent. HELP!?


Sometimes when I sleep, I have dreams nearly having to "use the restroom", and when I get up up, I have to "go"

I consider that facial hair on a girl looks heartless...and it seems similar to they don't want to take keeping of themselves when they just set off it...I know people hold other responsibilities and are busy and stuff...but taking care of yourself should be part of the pack of the daily routine

Thing covering vagina?

Many choose to rebuke it. In many Mediterranean countries, where on earth hair is commonly very threatening, a furry upper lip is felt to be sexy, as is armpit fuzz, which is not shaved as in the West.

Who do i enjoy to go to to seize birth control?

I know what you mean! I have to go to the hospital and a nurse put my IV within, and it stopped working after a while, so they brought down like a IV section, and this consisted of two people. One of them have a mustache, like a brown one. It be SO hard to hold spinal column laughter!

Easy immensity question!?

Of course they spot.

Some can't be bothered doing anything about it, most of them, however, hold tried any number of things that haven't worked well.

For large, male-type, growth, the most effective answer is shaving beside a men's electric razor, but masses women don't like the belief of doing that.

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