Lips of vagina (labia?)... ?

just wondering what size are they meant to be and what are they designed to look like beacuse i think there's something wrong beside mine...

one is much bigger than the other...
is there something wrong with me?

Periods/Change surrounded by diets?

Nothing is wrong beside you. Girls come in all different sizes and shapes. One can be more askew, more wrinkly, longer, wider, thicker. You are fine.

What do you show thats my opening?

No, there is nothing wrong near you. It's common for one to be larger, and every woman's is different. I've had the opportunity to see ample of them to be able to say that they be all, without exception, stunning and sexy. Just like flowers are all different but adjectives beautiful.

As Robert Heinlein once said: "It's amazing how much it looks like an orchid, isn't it? Beautiful."

I totally agree.

Period pains.?

Not at adjectives every ones body is different, that's what makes us all so imaginative.

Tender nipples.?

absolutley not! They come in all shapes sizes and colors merely like breasts. There is nothing atypical, or wrong with you :)

Please read - Horrible torment?

nothings wrong, it may be from stretching it out. mine are bigger then others too, turn figure...

On the pill but wondering...?

I cant find a deodorant that works?! HELP!?
Blood come out from vagina together next to semen?
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