Anything for the pool except tampons?

i have to progress to a pool party tomorrow and I really want to be capable of swim, but i really can't get a tampon within and I don't want to feel myslef to take it in. Are tehre any other ways to swim during a term?

As you have proably guessed, I'm a neophyte, only 13.

I looked-for to know how I can maintain clear skin.. while I'm on "female" things?

If you can't "go and get the tampon in", try this: Get a small tampon (either a lite tampon or a tampon specifically designed for teens.) and a small bottle of lube like KY. Once you unwrap the tampon, put a tiny drop of the lube on the tip of the tampon and consequently try inserting it. I find that it's easier to insert a tampon if I'm standing up with one foot on something (like the end of the bathtub). If you can't buy a lube like KY, use a tiny bit of something resembling Vaseline, or even just your own saliva if you hold to.

There are no other ways to swim except without an internal feminine hygiene product close to a tampon or menstrual cups (which I would absolutely not recommend to someone who have never been competent to successfully insert a tampon).

I have a lymph node underneath my left nipple and it kinda hurts,it is red,and i looks swollen,Is it fruitless?

No.. Pads won't work. Maybe you can't get it within because you're not angeling it right? or maybe it's too big for you?

Someone who know about pregnancies please assistance!?

i used to be that way. but my body obviosuly like me and stopped when i was swimming in a chlorine pool or pool of any sort. uhm, freshly try it. use the ones with the plastic applicator. it is painless if you do it right. follow the directions on the box and youll be fine. =]

Why am i growing so much mane on my chin?

unfortunatley, no.

My 13 year old daughter's tresses is falling out!!?

well get over it...ur not gonna wanna wear pad ur whole energy..and sticking a tampon in isnt "feeling" ur self.its how u put them in...and yea GROW UP.and if ur not gonna wear a tampon then ur only gonna sit there and see everyone else have fun... :\...very soon that isnt fun...just judge when ur putting in a tampon.other girls are going through the same entity right at that moment...and its just the opening of life.

My girlfriend have.a problem(and i am not sure how to say this short being reported)?

Well surrounded by a pool you don't bleed. Itss once your out that you begin to bleed. So you can try and cover it up once you draw from out and change urgently into clothes and a pad. Good luck hon and hope this help. Take care.

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