White discharge?.. please no unlikeable or rude answers?

i have a gluey white discharge sometimes it is a little washed out.all my doctor can explain to me is that i have alot of discharge (as if i wasn't already aware) here is not odor or itching, i am not pregnant...does anyone else have duplicate thing is within something wrong with me? i hold been menstrating for years, and see the doctor on a semi regular basis...i be treated once for chlamydia and no i wasnt sleeping around my long time bf cheated on me alot!!can something like chlamydia reacur. i hold to change doctors the one i am seeing in a minute does not seem to protection and until i do i am seeking peace of mind.also i dont seem to own the clear stretchy discharge associated with ovulation

i purely want to know if anyone else has have this problem and found out what it is so when i see the doctor i can give him an opinion of what to look for thanks

Period started yesterday..idk what to do and i am embarased to talk bout it..!! assist!?

I think u shud procure a new doctor n hold ur self examined to c if it is another outbreak of chlamydia but i don't think it is but newly to be certain check a gyno.I am really lead into believing tht it is mucus,ur description suits the following so read n see.
This is a normal situation its call mucus it helps to verbs the walls of ur vagina .Almost all teens n women have vaginal discharge.It may be white, ashen, clear, stretchy, or sticky. It may be there on some days and not on others, some women see it day by day. Usually Normal discharge looks a bit like egg white - a clear or off-white sticky goo. When it dries everyday discharge can turn a light-yellow color, so it’s normal to find a yellowy stain in your panties.
Also It also act as a lubricant during sexual intercourse.Before or after ur period people have an increase here discharge depending on your family milieu and diet and you as an individual one gets any a high or low discharge. enjoy a high discharge. Its okay of late drink water so tht is diluted so it won't hold .

Sex and comdom question..please answer.?

I reflect on it's actually pretty average, as long as it's not all the time. If it doesn't smell or itch it's probably a short time ago regular discharge. The vagina naturally cleanses itself.

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If it's white it's usually newly your system cleaning that area of germs and such. It's probably nothing to verbs about. Your doctor is probably the best support to follow if he knows your entire medical history, if he have done an exam and found nothing unusual consequently there's nil unusual.
Good luck

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many women discharge ... even w/o have an std. not sure if yours is caused by something unusual, but it's everyday in most cases.

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That's a pretty poor doctor there. He didn't pinch a smear of the substance and send it to the lab? That should be his first step if he couldn't make clear to right away.

I agree; this doctor does not seem to comfort about you. Is he/she a GP or OB/GYN?

Tell me what you devise?

I'm pretty sure chlymidia never truly goes away, even near treatment.

However about the discharge...

Your body simply simply might produce a little extra. If you are really concerned give or take a few it, a second opinion from a different doctor couldn't hurt.

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You can go to the strength department and they can do an exam, free of charge. Sometimes yeast infections don't itch. The yellow color concerns me this may be a reverberation of chlamydia, especially if you were re-exposed or did not complete adjectives of the antibiotic treatment. Seek out another doctor if you are not comfortable with the one you own! You should get this checked out asap, non treatment can head to pelvic inflammatory disease, which can cause sterility. Please mind your Ps and Qs, best wishes,

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That sounds like everyday discharge that keeps the vagina nourishing.

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I guess it is normal. I hold had matching problem off and on, and my OB/GYN said it is due to hormones.

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Ask around and find a GOOD OB-GYN. I'm not so concerned since you say-so there is no foul odor or itching.but it sounds deeply annoying and worrisome for YOU. I don't know your age or how sexually active you are. If you have chlamydia then you know the symptoms. Are they duplicate? Does the doctor you saw know you previously had chlamydia? The symptoms beside chlamydia are a thick, white odorless discharge, but also accompany by itching and burning and dull abdominal pain. Some things I am not privy to...be you ltbf also treated for chlamydia and are you still with him? Both partner need to be treated at impossible to tell apart time or you will just hold passing it put a bet on and forth. When you do find that Dr. be sure to tell him EVERYTHING or he won't know what to look for.
I preference you good luck.

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i consider it is normal adjectives women have white discharge
i hold the same item and 03 or 04 days before my extent this discharge become yellow

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i have hear different explanations for this. some women are more easily aroused than other women, so when this extra lubrication dries out, it turns into a thicker (sometimes yellowish) discharge. other women receive a thicker, drier discharge due to hormone fluctuations during their monthly cycle.
chlamydia (to my knowledge) will not spontaneously re-occur. if you are sexually active however, win tested.
but i dont think you enjoy anything to worry more or less :)

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All that stuff below is medical advice, I enjoy that problem too and was really concerned. I told my mom and she said its normal, purely drink alot of water and it should cut the amount you release, avoid soda and juice cuz those own alot of sugar.

This white cream substance on your underwear that you are describing sounds completely normal and is call vaginal discharge. This begins at the beginning of puberty and is your body's natural path of cleaning and moistening the vaginal area. This is due to an increased horizontal in hormones that also happen as part of puberty. You will probably catch sight of a change surrounded by your vaginal fluid as you go though respectively menstrual cycle (thickness versus thinness, increase versus decrease).

Vaginal fluid also increases during sexual arousal whether it is due to a dream, masturbation or sexual diversion. Again, this is completely normal. This provides your vaginal nouns with organic lubricant to make sexual leisure more pleasurable.

Having said all this, if your vaginal fluid have changes within color (greenish or yellowish), odor and amount or becomes itchy or irritating, it could be a sign of an infection. If this is going on, you need to desire medical attention to be diagnosed and treated, especially if you are sexually active,

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That is normal. It happen usually around olvulation. Mine is white, not clear like they influence it is supposed to be, but it is the same article. If it gets really sickly or it starts to smell, then it is usually an infection.

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It is completely healthy for your vagina to discharge as a approach of cleaning itself, as long as their is no itching or irritation. If their is itching or irritation, you should ask a doctor about it.

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