I want to aid my overweight friend lose weight, but how?

I want to help my overweight friend lose weight and become natural. Were both in Grade 9 (15 yrs old) and be really good friends, but lately thats be different. Shes been doing weed next to people surrounded by high institution, probably because its a way of avoiding trueness. I really want to help her, but im simply not sure what to say minus her taking it negatively. She probably weighs 250-275 pounds, and her BMI probably isn't thoroughly good. I am liable and would commit to helping her whenever she needs it. I myself know closely of stuff about natural eatting and exercise for your average 15 year old. I would get hold of her on a diet and do cardio with her, etc.

Her skin have no bumps, acne, or anythiing like that. She would look amazing if she lost adjectives the weight, if you saw her you'd know. How can I communicate her I want to help her lose counterweight? and without a refusal result? How would she react to this?

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first of all you should reach a deal to her. be honest but kind. organize up to what you have only just said here. tell her that you consider her a great friend but lately you own been awareness neglected. let her know that you are here for her when she requests you. and that you care hugely much about her and that she have been making a few doomed to failure decisions(smoking weed) -maybe show her some facts on the effects of smoking weed. and i think that your freight is becoming unhealthy. transmit her that she has a great self-worth and that if she lets you give a hand her that she can look even better too. tell her that you are feeling like to walk or shift biking with her and that you can show her how to devour great yet have the food still taste well brought-up.
if i was surrounded by her position i would want someone to tell me the facts (the truth sometimes hurts) but as generous as possible.
at first she will be shocked but she will turn around (if she is the person you thought she was) she will know that a true friend doesnt necessarily comfort what the person looks approaching but how they act and that they are as nutritious as can be.
if i were within her position i would like to enjoy a friend like you- one who is kindly and kind.

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if she's never said anything about it herself, after you bringing it up would most likely outrage her. she has to reflect there is a problem first of adjectives and then mention it to you.

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first, just ask her if she would resembling to join you to progress hiking, swimming, running, horseback riding, bowling etc. pick an activity that you know she will relish. once you find something that she likes...ask her if she would resembling to make it a standing "date" ...objective.you and her would make it a weekly or day after day event. you could even tell her that you want to lose some freight or tone up and you are going to start a workout routine and eating plan...ask her if she wishes to do it with you.

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Being overweight myself all though big school be hard and even in a minute trying to lose weight is frozen. At 15 there's not much you can do. All you can do is be near for her. You can't make her lose the substance and unless she doesn't want to do it for herself its not going to happen. It take alot of determination and support. Weight loss is back and forth. One week u may lose 3lbs and the subsequent u gain 5lbs. Its very concrete and frustrating. Try to get her newly to go out. Walk to the precinct if its nearby, only walking places then driving around or staying home ingestion will help greatly. Also to one and only eat when your hungry which is also hugely hard to convey in this light of day and age also drink lots and lots of water. If you can grasp her to stop drinking soft drinks that would help too.

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have u called jenny Craig lately?
recount her Ur worried about it and not that Ur calling her oil or anything but because there is serious things that can walk wrong for weighing that much for a 15 year antediluvian. drugs will not help next to that it will only be paid her gain more with munchies.. if she desires drugs to help her lose mass and escape reality i suggest Ecstasy. but rele try and aid her get past its sell-by date drugs becasue there rele discouraging for ur heath too.

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You are a good friend she have two major problems the podginess and the drugs.Try and get her attention by recitation her she is very pretty, be in motion for walks,conversate beside her just you and her express your concerns and bring in sure you stay by her side the whole time.She may be depressed and you not know it.They own support groups where you can shift and talk roughly your issues and problems these kids are going through the same stuff sometimes worse.Just label sure you are a true friend and stand beside her.

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