Private issues lend a hand! (girls only)?

Ive been have some issues with my private fragment. Everytime I masturbate, after a while it starts hurting, and when I pee it burns a lot =(. What could be wrong?

If your have some of these symptoms, then you may own a urinary tract infection (UTI):

Pain or burning when you urinate.
An urge to urinate frequently but usually passing solitary small quantities of urine.
Dribbling (inability to control urine release).
Pain or a reaction of heaviness surrounded by your lower abdomen.
Reddish or pinkish urine.
Foul-smelling urine.
Cloudy urine.
Pain in your put money on just below the rib round up, on one side of your body (flank pain).
Fever and chills.
Nausea and vomiting.

Bacteria that enter the urethra and travel up the urinary tract are the usual cause of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Bacteria that typically live in the significant intestine and are present in feces are the most common source of infection. Sexual intercourse may introduce germs into the urinary tract, especially in women.
bladder infection
you may have a urinary tract infection.burning is a symptom. See your doctor. If you use a vibrator, receive sure to clean it powerfully. you could be infecting yourself with microbes.
maybe you have a yeast infection. I really dont know what else it could be.
It could be a yeast infection
If you use a vibrator do you verbs it before you use it?
it could be an infection, i suggest seeing your gyno.
To prescribe anti biotics
It could be the clap
irritation to the urethra(small tube going to bladder) and lack of adequate lubrication. even when masturbating you need plenty moisture otherwise you'll have friction related discomfort.
The hurting while masturbating could be from any rubbing too hard or too hurriedly without satisfactory lubrication, but the burning sounds like an infection.
its any a bladder infection or a uti i would suggest that you go to the doctor and for an exam. and if you use a vibrator after make sure its verbs or you will re-infect your self