What is the hymen?

if its broken does it bleed?

Strange stuff?

Many people are beneath the impression that the hymen is located inside the vagina. It is not. It’s a mucous membrane that is element of the vulva, the external genital organs. It’s located outside the vagina. The hymen is a layer of tissue, purely like the tissue around the vent of your vagina that partially conceals the vaginal orifice. You may or may not hold one, most females do. The hymen is not an indicator of virginity; a girl is a virgin until she has be penetrated by a penis.

The hymen is named after the Greek God Hymenaeus - the God of matrimonial and weddings, FYI.

During the early stages of fetal nouns there is no pipe into the vagina at all. The slim layer of tissue that conceals the vagina at this time usually divides incompletely prior to birth, forming the hymen. The size and shape of this exit (or openings) varies greatly from personality to person.

Sometimes this formation of an debut does not occur, resulting in an imperforated hymen (it lacks the more adjectives opening). Some females have no hymen at birth at adjectives, since the tissue divided completely while they were still contained by the womb.

Many girls and teens tear or otherwise dilate their hymen while participating in sports close to bicycling, horseback riding, gymnastics or inserting tampons, or while masturbating. A girl may not even know this has occur, since there may be little or no blood or stomach-ache involved when this happens. The tissues of the vulva are largely very lean and delicate prior to puberty. The presence or absenteeism of a hymen in no route indicates whether or not a female is a virgin. * You are a virgin until you hold sexual intercourse.*

Some hymens are elastic plenty to permit a penis to enter in need tearing, or they gash only to a certain extent, and there is NO bleeding at adjectives. When adequately lubricated the vagina is quite 'flexible' and will stretch without discomfort for most women. Sometimes, a woman have sex for years with no genuine 'tearing' at adjectives, only stretching of the hymen and consequently at another time the same woman might crack from 'rough sex' or sex with a different partner near a larger penis. Remnants of the hymen are usually still present until a woman delivers a babe-in-arms vaginally.

Sure, see what your vagina looks like next to a mirror, it's your body, you should not be afraid of it . Some young women come across to obsess over what is 'average'. So, put away the mirror after you know what is normal for you. You might see that your labia money as you get elder, they might get a bit dark in color or longer, or not transfer at all. This is not irregular, unless you are an adult. It is key to know what your body looks like, so you can explain to when there is a exchange or something to see your health consideration provider about, but don’t consume over what it is 'supposed to' look like. All of our face look different and none of our vaginas look exactly the same any. That’s all I enjoy to say almost hymens and vaginas for now.

I get the impression very discouraging today i dont know whats going on?

something that im required to break

Too young to lose it?

It’s a mucous membrane to be precise part of the vulva, the external genital organs. It’s located outside the vagina. The hymen is a shroud of tissue, just approaching the tissue around the opening of your vagina that to a certain extent conceals the vaginal orifice. You may or may not have one, most females do. The hymen is not an indicator of virginity; a girl is a virgin until she have been penetrated by a penis.

Check out http://www.coolnurse.com/hymen.htm... for more info.

Female quill problem.Men do not read unless you want to be grossed out.?

It is a membrane inside of girls that protects their insides until they become mature. Yes, it bleeds for a while when it is penetrated consequently it stops.

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a gossamer membrane that covers the opening of the vagina -& it doesn't other bleed when it is punctured but sometimes it does.


the hymen is a thin piece of skin inside the vagina. it depends on the girl if you bleed or not. if your really into sports or use tampons it could own broke already. it doesn't necessarily bleed if it breaks.

WHat could this bequestions about womanly time of month?

It is a thin shroud of skin covering the opening to the vagina.

It may or may not bleed. Much close to a superficial scratch may or may not bleed.

HELP!HELP! 10 concept plz! HELPHELPHELP!! QUICKgfjjhj?

a fold of mucous membrane partly closing the external orifice of the vagina in a virgin.

it WILL bleed.

don't lose your virginity till you're married to the man of your duration.

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It's a tough membrane surrounding the vagina. It isn't likely to bleed much unless it's torn while completely intact. Most women cleave their hymen through exercise or tampon use. It sometimes dissolves on its own after menstruation begins. If you are deeply young and it is still intact, it might cleave during intercourse, but it's all average.

I don't feel capably what could be wrong?

It is a thin deposit of skin that some females are born with. Yes it will bleed when broken but that does not be a sign of it will be the day you enjoy intercourse. Go to wikipedia.com and type in Hymen it will give you detailed information on this.

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