How do i know if i enjoy pms?

i was on the implanon for 1 year and i have it taken out because of servere wieght gain and it got me down at times. although i have the implant taken out i miss it because i never feel stressed and never suffered from what i think i hold 'PMS' now i'm on cerrezette to assist balance my hormones but i've be on this pill for 5 months and my periods are exceedingly irregular and i'm VERY stressed, always confussed what i'm thinking, other finding problems with my partner ( which i massively much love) which he can't help and other deppressed about everything. i really want to achieve whatever this is cured because this isn't me and i don't want my bf to expire up hating me i really love him and don't want to hurt him anymore! ( also i never no when my period they come and go adjectives the time). thanks to anyone who can back. xx

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Hi i know how you feel i be on the pill & i got pms really doomed to failure so i had to come bad it i was merely like you i must of made my parteners natural life hell all the time i be snapping his head rotten, my periods be the same to what pill are you on?
I have the implanon fitted last dark and it has made me off-colour all daytime i noticed you you said you have this and you had cargo gain i hope you dont mind me asking but how much did you gain did you have any other symptoms?

My sis Had a C-section AND?

Does everything your boyfriend voice drive you mad or build yo cry? That's PMS

Taking Hydroxycut?

Here is list of symptoms which may start due to estrogen dominance (PMS)

Miriam wrote her story in 1997 and revised it in 2002.

Stress --> Hormone Imbalance --> "Health Issue"

Perhaps your source of stress is due to the implanon.

You may wish to do the on flash hormone tests at or

If as I suspect they recommend you get hold of hormones please have a saliva interview done see or A saliva test will check out active hormones something that blood test do not.

If a hormone is suggested by the saliva test please bring the dose suggested. Size 10 shoes are not twice as good if you own size 5 feet.

The WHO (World Health Organisation) uses saliva test.

A transcript of a John Lee talk

I own transcribed John Lee's December 2002 & &June 2003 talks

Any of these talks explain why for active hormone level a blood test is worthless. Blood test find hormones, but they are the ones on their way out of the body. They are not the stirring hormones.

Search the web for "colloquial progesterone pms" and you will find many pages

However I would rely on a saliva testing to confirm the requirement for progesterone or any other hormones.

There is a list of doctors at who are aware of the benefits of organic progesterone they may be more helpful than your GP. Maybe you are give or take a few to educate your GP in the past using the hormones.

In countries other than the UK in attendance are doctors knowledgeable going on for natural progesterone and other hormones

Natural progesterone ability natural to humans i.e. very to that produced by the human body.

For a good explanation of how imperative natural progesterone is to humans see
and other page on this site

Wild yam is that Wild Yam the body will not convert it to progesterone. Also do not take fake/synthetic progesterone/progestins manufactured by the drug companies they will be of NO benefit.

After have done a saliva test any progesterone you buy must be innate progesterone USP. USP means United States Pharmacopoeia.

If you skip to the completion of there is a polite summary -- 22 Susan Aschoff - St Petersburg Times Summary

Hope this assists you..

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if this is scheduled at other times in your cycle and not a week formerly then it isnt pms. mostly hormone treatments regulate hormones which are a cause of pms. it could be your on the wrong strength. pms is thought to be cause by lack of progesterone. in that is a link near hormones anyway. i did a presentation on pms for uni, and there are over 150 symptoms for pms, but the most popular treatment is the contraceptive pill. any way you shouldnt be idea like you do so step back to the doctors and discuss your option.

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