Would this get me gain a few pounds?

Well..I started taking birth control pills about 2 months ago [almost]
Pretty much the solely side effect I got be that my boobs grew.
Which I'm glad for lol.

Well..would that make me gain any solidity? [I gained 3 pounds]
It wasn't significant growth or anything,lol.but it is apparent.

If not the 3 punds..would it account for some of the shipment gain?



I gained a couple of pounds when starting the pill, but it is individual water mass and yes it showed up in my breasts which be nicer than my rear come to an end. If your boobs got bigger, they can article for a couple of pounds I am sure.

It's been over 30 sunshine and i still didn't get my 2nd time of year is that normal is in attendance something wrong?

No. It's due to water freight.

Is it normal to be sweating ALOT during your extent?

do you work out regularly or changed your diet? maybe stressed etc. plentifully of stuff can cause counterweight gain / loss. ask a doctor or call the company

Whats the best warm lotion for sexual activity?

OMG! 3 pounds! You can't be serious. yes it is fine

Right lower side of tummy onto my right upper hip throbbing?

Yes, BCPs can cause immensity gain. I wouldn't worry roughly 3 pounds though unless you are having other problems beside them.

Does someone know or if your a doctor?

I only took the pill for a little, because it made me gain weight! if continues, possibly your gyn could change to another brand.

Why are boobs right?

oh yeah, some gals gain twenty pounds or more on birth control, it's very adjectives.

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