I necessitate advice. im in the region of 6 weeks pregnant?

On wendsday i broke up with my bf of 6 months.
I am on the pill, and i took it on the dot. while we where together i took a pregnancy assessment (you know just to product sure) and it was denial. My doctor told me to come back afew weeks latter, so i went friday. and it be pos. i asked to do another one just to cause sure .. and it was pos again.

Iv be in a state since i own split from my bf. i havnt eaten for 4 days. and iv lost nearly 6-7 lbs.
Iv been non stop drinking and taking XTC.
My boyfriend dosnt want to make conversation to me face to frontage about the situation, contained by one way i really need/want my boyfriend posterior.
& i seruously think im going crazzyy.


I'm late for my length does any one know why.?

You need to stop individual self-centered whiner and quit cause harm to the innocent child that's inside of you. I'm assuming that I'm writing to a tremendously intelligent young girl here. With that said, you know damn powerfully that you have a human anyone inside of you. If you don't care almost your own body, that's one thing. But, in that's another innocent body inside of yours that deserves to not be damaged or harmed. Killing your child by poisoning it is not going to cause your boyfriend want to talk to you, see you, or come fund to you. But, it will make you a murderer and the type of entity who no one will want to know, spell. The fact that he doesn't want to settle to you should tell you what a creep he truly is! Let that piece of dirt step. He's not good for you or your child if he can't communicate. Make a finding right now to respect yourself and your unborn child. Do the right item and good things will come to you, express. Talk to your parents and people who you can trust and who will help out you.

Is it possible for you to get pregant 10 are more after your tubes are tided and burnded?

Well, congratulations, u've lately screwed up ur unborn child! Stop thinking about the ex, and start thinking in the region of the kind of vivacity ur about to make available ur baby. And btw, ur insensitive! Ur showing more concern for urself and ur ex than u are the child who didnt ask for any of this. Grow up!

Answer please?

You knew within your heart what's best for you. You are an intelligent person, don't ruin your ife for that man. Stand up and do something well-mannered for your life. Love yourself first. After adjectives, who would if you won't ? If you are already pregnant and the father is gone, then, verbs living for you and your baby. You deserve to be beaming. Without him, you will be more stronger coz you are soon to become a mommy. God bless you dear.

On the pill for 2 days..had unprotected sex near my husband..sore boobs,tired,discharge.from pill or pregnant?

Dakotagurrl! She didn't want the baby anyway! Ok, final to the question, try abolition? I reflect that's wat it is.

Can the gyn tell from the exam..?

Slow down for a moment and collect your organizer.

You've got to do what is right for yourself up to that time you evern start thinking about your pregnancy--which I'm assuming you do not want as you are drinking and taking drugs.

If i.e. the case you necessitate to call your local abortion provider/women's clinic and manufacture an appointment to get surrounded by and talk to some professionals more or less your situation.

Leaving it up for grabs on a message forum close to this will earn you nothing but comments that will simply make you touch guilty about your personal choices.

Good luck. This will not be assured, but remember that you do have support at doesn`t matter what clinic/practice you end up contained by.

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