Am I sick?

Am I sick?
I will get hungry going on for lunch time,but if I take a sip of wet or anything else I will not be able to get through. I know I have to drink so I have tried to manufacture myself eat. One time I threw-up and the other times I be sick to my stomach. I am really scared that something is wrong near me. My mom said it my be because I am about to enjoy my period again. Can somebody please sustain me. It is like I hold lost my appetite at lunch. I will usually eat more at dinner. I am really worried.
To answer any questions;no, I am not sexualy active

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Well, since you eat a regular dinner, it doesn't seem to be like you're anoxeric. Does this hunch at lunch feel more physical, similar to a cramp, or does it seem more resembling a nervous-anxiety-type tension?

Personally, it sounds to me similar to you're really nervous or anxious in the order of something, and you somehow connect it with drinking lunch (or the crowd in the lunch room, or have strangers see you eat, or whatever). It's possible to product yourself so upset that you body has to throw-up to improve itself.
What you need to do is amount out what could be stressing you out so much. Talk to your mom and your doctor and tell them how long the problem have been going on and what you reason it might be related - no matter how silly it sounds.

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