What is wrong with me?!!!! Please simply girls.?

For a long while now, I enjoy been have diarrhea, not constant but when I go to the bathroom. I also own constipation. I also have be having torment in the lower piece of my stomach, not bad dull pain, but I notice it. Also, sometimes I bring pain down within, like my pelvic I guess. It isn't unbelievably bad twinge, and I don't not have it adjectives the time. It comes and goes. I am solely sixteen and I have never have sex. PLEASE HELP!

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It's probably Irritable Bowel Syndrome a severely common and not often dangerous condition.Sometimes it's call "spastic colon".A lot of things can contribute to this condition, especially stress. To be on the safe side give an account your doc or mom or someone.Good Luck, sweetie and don't worry so much.

This is a 911 appointment!?

you might have a bladder infection phone call the urgent care or the guidance nurse and tell her your symptoms. There are meds that can give a hand you feel better.

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You should ask your doctor almost this. You might have a bowel impaction, or an intestinal problem that wants medication.

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go to a dr.he is the only one that can truely bring up to date you whats wrong.

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Go to dr and he will offer you some meds to take prudence of that with proper diet {good luck}

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The first thing you involve to do is tell your parents almost it. See a doctor. I have a similar problem and it turned out to be irritable bowel syndrome. (Which is nil serious, just annoying.) Get checked out.

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You call for to go to the doctor. My unschooled guess (from my own experience) is IBS.( Irritable Bowell Syndrome)

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I don't work in the medical profession so i cant give a hand, but u really need to see a doctor. I know that sometimes one piece makes other things hurt, and it make it difficult to see where the problem exists. Also, small problems can turn into big ones save taken care of surrounded by early stages, and u r so childish, u truly need to be looked at by a pro dr.


sounds resembling growing pains and diarrhea it could be nerves that can cause stomache problems try amodiom trailer to stop the poops and be nice to your stomache eat fruits an vegs transport vitamin c for the imune system

Is ths true about fleshy people?

Well its sounds resembling it can be a few things, but you just described the symptoms of ibs or worms. You might want to go to the doc and own him check your stool or you can go to a herbal store and start taking fiber. Herbs comfort clear out your system and gets everything going devout again. I recommend you doing this either road. but yes it sounds like you are for a moment backed up and the best approach to make it right is to flush out your system. You can find more info on the network try looking up tapeworms in humans or parasites within humans. You will find great remedies. Also when you go to the doc ask him to check for this its not other detected which is why it goes by unnoticed. hope you surface better.

When I masterbate?

The docter will be able to abet. They can pescribe a medicine or grant you tips. I hope you are OK.

Does it hurt 2 have sex?

I don't no what's wrong beside you, but you need to turn to the doctors because whatever it is ain't gonna catch better because your on here asking about it, get hold of yourself checked out. And stop talking *! lol...

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