Progesterone individual pill for someone no longer breastfeeding?

My doctor prescribed a progesterone only pill after I give birth because I chose to breastfeed. Nevertheless, I only breasfed for 2 months after I have my baby girl. Now I am still on matching pill 4.5 months later. I be wondering if this is something that I need to translation, move on to a combination pill since my daughter is strictly formula-fed. So far, so honourable. I don't have my annual next to my ob/gyn until October. I've just never really thought just about that until today and now it is bothering me a bit as far as getting pregnant again knowing the hormone does is lower in these pills. Thanks in mortgage for all the support :)

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I would switch to the combination pills, they're more potent when you're not breastfeeding anymore. If you've had a pap within the last year, your doc. should know how to call within a new prescription for you in need an appointment. GL!

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