I simply had a urine try-out done to find UTI, but they found an abnormal amount of blood..what could raison d`??tre this?

I went to our robustness clinic today to get tested for UTI and I enjoy it, they determined that, but I also had an nonstandard amount of blood in my urine. I don't see blood when I pee, when I wipe I return with some traces of blood in my discharge, but none contained by my urine, which makes me wonder what could be cause this amount of blood in my urine? On my culture stick, the blue meter that measures the blood be a very menacing blue, darker even later the last color on the graph that the nurse be using.

I was basically wondering what could this mean?

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A bit of blood (which they saw below the microscope) can also be related to the UTI and for some it can also be an indicator of a kidney infection or having kidney stones.

Late term and negative trial result?

this is called hematuria..when u c blood surrounded by urine.well it may be kidney stone or inflammation in ur testis or epididymis.

How do i bring up to date her?

this is called hematuria

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