My boyfriend requirements me to get an std try-out?

but he is the first person I hold ever had sex beside, or done oral sex with. So theres no mode I would have an STD. we other use a condom, but I recently get birth control from planned parenthood and should be starting it in just about a week, when my period comes, and we might not use a condom anymore. The item is, my boyfriend has have 3 other sex partners, so when I told him that he should be the one getting the examination he said "no, do u know waht they do for a guy to get an std check? im not doing that" so I dont know what to do. help?


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Tell him to stop being a big sissy and that you wont find it until he does and you also will not be having sex next to him condom or no condom until he gets one done

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Maybe you just bring the test for extra caution you never know.

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I reckon you both should get tested. You especially because he's have other partners and is human being evasive about it. The certainty that he is insisting might be telling you something... If he continues to waste, there is probably a motivation why - and I would lose him quick. Don't put yourself at risk needlessly!

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LOL. You shouldn't sleep next to ANYONE who won't get tested.

If HE won't go and get tested, he has something to HIDE.

I don't know what the hell is wrong next to me?

take the test anyway
it's other a safe piece to do but make him give somebody a lift one as well - if he doesnt want to after he may have something to cast a shadow on after all he is your first partner - if he refuse dont have sex near him until he does.
and just because you are going to start birth control doesnt aim you shouldnt wear protection-

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He should definitely gain the test. All men complain nearly it, but you want to protect yourself. If he refuses, plainly keep using the condom, or don't hold sex at all. If he agrees to cart the test, it wouldn't hurt for you to do so also. I take that it isn't necessary, but honestly, I would require it of any partner I hold - whether they claim to be a virgin or not. It will give him peace of mind. The biggest issue, though, is him. He should get the question paper! Good luck, and please be safe!

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I consider you should tell him you should walk together to get it done. You can never be to safe. If anyone should be getting it done it should be him. Ask him if he know what a girl has to budge through once a year as a result of having sex. If he doesn't shift with you or if he doesn't get hold of one, how do you know if he has something or not. Why should you be the simply one to get one?

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Well getting an STD test is other a good view, but in your relationship it sounds close to he should be getting one too! He is the one who has have previous parteners. Maybe it is possible he doesn't trust you when you told him you were a virgin? Sounds approaching a personal problem. I would make him win one if he wants you to take one so bad, you guys can stir together. I would NOT have unprotected sex near him though until he gets tested...

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He must be talking going on for where they stick the trialling stick inside the urethra.

As to what you can do? Simple. Don't have sex beside him until he does. It's pointless if you've had no other partner, to take a tryout, when he's the one with history that could benefit from the tryout.

However the both of you bickering on who should do it is extremely childish, just do it together, as a show of support to one another. Also, HPV nouns can occur beside a condom on, so it couldn't hurt to check that either.

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just because you start the pill doesnt protect you from stds then on so why stop using a condom.and the fact that he is pushing you to acquire tested my tell you he have something to hide.if i be i would stop having sex beside him all together until he get tested you have to supply a little to grasp a little

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take the test of late to be safe.Talk to your boyfriend something like taking the test. if he have an std and he doesn't know about it, it's dicey for all of you. who he sleeps beside is who you sleep with.

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If he is the single sex partner you've ever had, consequently I really wouldn't be worried as much, but your boyfriend has have 3 other sex partners besides you. He could enjoy unknowingly gotten an STD from one of them, and if so, he may have passed it to you.

Who care what they have to do to check a guy for an STD. That's the way it goes-there is no other channel. Blood, and a swap sample from inside the urethra. If he requests YOU to get tested, afterwards HE needs to bring tested as well. If he continues to be stubborn and will not shift in for a smiple trial, then cut sour all sexual relations. You can even move about to extremes and cut off everything. Relationship and adjectives. It's not fair when he demands that you grasp tested even though he's been your singular sex partner, when he's gone whoring around and slept with 3 other women. He wants to get stale his high horse and grow up.

For the couple of you-it's better to be safe than sorry.

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what im thinking since he know how they test for that stuff is that he already know that he has an STD this is of late a guess plus he wants YOU to get hold of tested maybe he is trying to protect you in a road im clueless on how to help you this is purely my thought tho

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