I have atypical bleeding for 3 weeks i saw the gyn and said i wanna see you in 3 weeks to see if the?

bleeding stopped?well itcomes and go.and now i newly had a upset i had 2 blod clots but presently im not bleeding as heavy what is this condtion the gyn didnt right to be heard what it was he merely said its from being overweight so I own been watching what could remarkable bleeding be caused by please backing im scared I own an apoitment tuesday which Im definetly going what could be the condion and what can they do for it? I never know when I am getting my peride also., because its abormalfora few weeks light bleeding.

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Take a deep breath and know that you are doing something nearly it. Keep calm and allow your doctor to digit it out as it takes several follow ups and nurture back from you to find out what the do is and to address it.

Sometimes they say things that are imprecise as it may not be from being overweight. They want to follow up with you to draw from an accurate diagnosis.

In the mean time, do everything you can to quality loved and know that you are loved because you love yourself. Tell yourself that every day, too.


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If you've have abnormal bleeding for 3 weeks that have a meaning. Do not postpone to go to the gyn. If your gyn does not dispense you comfort go to another one. Bleeding for a long time is an far-reaching issue and may show more underlying problems. See a doc as soon as you can. Best wishes.

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