Can a yeast infection do a late spell?

Ok guys, I'm scared. I'm 16 almost 17, married beside no kids (thank God) and my husband is about as not cognizant about this liberal of stuff as I am. So... I think I hold a yeast infection, everything kind of burns, and it's constant... Not plentifully of itching though, just burning... and immediately I'm about 2 days behind for my period and I'm pretty regular. I would shift to the doctor, but I don't have vigour insurance, and our savings is nearly as bad as brittneys down cut... so... could I have a yeast infection, and is that why I'm behind, or should I just start preparing for a JR?


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Very well could be yeast infection, burning and itching are everyday 'symptoms' - Yeast infections should not make you 'past due', but worry and stress can end in a period to come impulsive or late for some folks - by a few days any way. An dated but useful remedy for itching and burning is plain yogurt applied similar to a soothing cream - but if its really a yeast infection, then you'll entail something stronger to get rid of it. Drug store/pharmacist can back - Also if there's any niggle or discomfort when urinating, then you may own a urinary tract infection - for this you would need a doctor. Drink lots of hose down, but don't delay too long next to checking out a doctor..there have to be a clinic or planned parenthood hard by you where you can carry free or reduced treatment...and good luck!

I'm thoroughly confused? I think I of late gained 15lbs , lacking noticing? I'm 14?

In some cases you may hold to take a trip to the Doctor. It is terrifically probable you can cure it on your own. I suggest reading the "Natural Cure for Yeast Infection" .

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